ORS  Guide
Property - General
Arson 1
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.325
*** Measure 11 Crime ***
(1)(a) by starting a fire or causing an explosion intentionally damages:
(A) another's protected property
(B) any property, including the suspect's, & recklessly places another in danger of physical injury or another's protected property in danger of damage
(C) any property, including the suspect's, & recklessly causes serious physical injury to a firefighter or peace officer acting in the line of duty relating to the fire
(b) while knowingly engaging in the manufacture of meth, causes a fire or explosion damaging the property described in paragraph (a)
Arson 2
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.315
(1)(a) by starting a fire or causing an explosion, intentionally damages another's:
(A) building that's not protected property OR
(B) any property belonging to someone else & damages to it exceed $750 OR
(2) while knowingly manufacturing methamphetamine & causing the fire or explosion that damages property (a)
Arson incident to manufacture of cannabinoid extract 1
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 475B.359
(2) knowingly engaging in the manufacture of a cannabinoid extract, the person causes a fire or explosion that damages:
(a) the protected property of another person
(b) any property, whether the suspect's or someone else, if the fire or explosion recklessly places another person in danger of physical injury or the protected property of another person in danger of damage OR
(c) any property, whether the suspect's or someone else, if the fire or explosion recklessly causes serious physical injury to a firefighter or peace officer acting in the line of duty relating to the fire or explosion
(3) doesn't apply to a licensee that is authorized under the laws of this state to engage in the manufacture of cannabinoid extracts
Arson incident to manufacture of cannabinoid extract 2
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 475B.363
(2) knowingly engaging in the manufacture of a cannabinoid extract, the person causes a fire or explosion that damages:
(a) any building of another person that is not protected property OR
(b) the property of another, if the damages to the property exceed $750
(3) doesn't apply to a licensee that is authorized under the laws of this state to engage in the manufacture of cannabinoid extracts
Authority of sports official to expel persons from sports event
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.276
A sports official may order a coach, team player or spectator to leave the premises at which a sports event is taking place and at which the sports official is officiating if the coach, team player or spectator is engaging in inappropriate behavior
Burglary 1
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.225
(1) commits 164.215 (burglary 2) & the building is a dwelling, or while in building or an immediate flight from it:
(b) attempts or causes physical injury against anyone
(c) uses or threatens to use a dangerous weapon
Burglary 2
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.215
Closure of premises to motor-propelled vehicles
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.270
(1) for purposes of 164.245 (criminal trespass 2), a landowner or their agent may close the landowner's privately owned premises to motor-propelled vehicles by posting signs on or near the boundaries of the closed premises at the normal points of entry as follows:
(a) signs must be no smaller than eight (8) inches high & eleven (11) inches wide
(b) signs must contain the words "Closed to Motor-propelled Vehicles" or words to that effect in letters no less than one (1) inch tall
(c) signs must display the name, business address & phone number, if any, of the landowner or their agent AND
(d) signs must be posted at normal points of entry & be no further apart than 350 yards
(2) anyone is in violation of 164.245 (criminal trespass 2) if they operate or ride on or inside a motor-propelled vehicle on privately owned premises when the premises are posted as provided in (1) & they don't have written authorization to operate a motor-propelled vehicle on the premises
(3) nothing in this statute prevents emergency or law enforcement vehicles from entering onto land closed to motor-propelled vehicles
+ Related statutes
Computer Crime
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.377
(2) knowingly accesses, attempts to access or uses, or attempts to use, any computer, computer system or computer network to:
(a) devise or execute any scheme or deception to defraud
(b) obtain money, property or services by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations or promises OR
(c) commit 164.015 (theft), including of proprietary information or of an intimate image
(3) knowingly, & without authorization alters, damages or destroys any computer, computer system or network, or any software, program, documentation or data contained in them
(5)(b) any violation of the statute relating to lottery systems
(4) knowingly & without authorization uses, accesses or attempts to access any computer, computer system or network, software, program, documentation or data contained therein
Criminal mischief 1
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.365
(1) with intent to damage property, & with no right or reasonable belief to do so:
(a) damage or destroy someone else's property
(A) the damage amount > $1,000
(B) with explosives
(C) by fire in the institution in which the suspect is confined
(E) property is a facility (see notes)
(F)(a) by intentionally interfering with, obstructing or adulterating in any way the service of a facility or
(b) intentionally using, manipulating, arranging or rearranging facilities's property to interfere with its efficiency
• A facility is defined as: a public utility, telecommunication carrier, railroad, public transportation facility or medical facility
Criminal mischief 2
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.354
Criminal mischief 3
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.345
Criminal possession of rented/leased motor vehicle
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.138
(1)(a) after renting from a commercial motor vehicle renter knowingly fails or refuses to return the motor vehicle per contract three (3) calendar days after receiving written demand for its return
(b) after leasing from a commercial motor vehicle lessor fails to pay payment for forty-five (45) days & knowingly fails or refuses to return the motor vehicle per contract three (3) calendar days after receiving a written demand for its return
Criminal possession of rented/leased personal property
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.140
(1)(a) after renting from a commercial personal property renter knowingly fails or refuses to return property per contract three (3) calendar days after receiving a written demand for its return
(b) after leasing from a commercial personal property the lessor fails to pay payment for forty-five (45) days & knowingly fails or refuses to return the personal property per contract three (3) calendar days after receiving written demand for its return
(4)(a) M(a): aggregate total property value < $500
(b) F(c): aggregate total property value >= $500
Criminal trespass 1
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.255
(1)(a) enters or remains unlawfully in a dwelling
(b) after receiving a merchant notice of trespass, enters the establishment during business hours with the intent to commit theft
(c) enters or remains unlawfully in railroad yards, tracks, bridges, or rights of way
(d) enters or remains unlawfully in/on premises determined to be unfit for use (453.855, 453.912)
Criminal trespass 2
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.245
Criminal trespass 2 - guest
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.243
(1) the suspect, being registered at a hotel & assigned to transient lodging (includes anyone accompanying suspect), intentionally stays after their departure date without the approval of the hotelkeeper
+ Related statutes
Criminal trespass at a sports event
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.278
a person commits the crime of criminal trespass at a sports event if they:
(a) is a coach, team player or spectator at a sports event
(b) engages in inappropriate behavior
(c) has been ordered by a sports official to leave the premises at which the sports event is taking place AND
(d) fails to leave the premises or returns to the premises during the period of time when reentry has been prohibited
Criminal trespass in possession of firearm
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.265
Determining value of damage
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.367
for purposes 164.345 (criminal mischief 3) & 164.365 (criminal mischief 1), the value of damage done during single incidents of criminal mischief may be added together if the incidents of criminal mischief were committed:
(1) against multiple victims in the same course of conduct OR
(1) against the same victim, or two or more persons who are joint owners, within a thirty (30) day period
Engaging in a financial transaction in property derived from unlawful activity
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.172
(1) knowingly engages in or attempts to engage in a financial transaction in property that:
(a) constitutes, or is derived from, the proceeds of unlawful activity
(b) is of a value greater than $10,000 AND
(c) the defendant knows is derived from or represents the proceeds of some form (though not necessarily which form) of unlawful activity
(3)(b) "Unlawful activity" means any act constituting a felony under state, federal or foreign law
Laundering a monetary instrument
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.170
(1) A person commits the crime of laundering a monetary instrument if they:
(a) knowing that the property involved in a financial transaction represents the proceeds of some form (though not necessarily which form, of unlawful activity), conducts or attempts to conduct a financial transaction that involves the proceeds of unlawful activity:
(A) with the intent to promote the carrying on of unlawful activity OR
(B) knowing that the transaction is designed in whole or in part to:
(i) conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, ownership or control of the proceeds of unlawful activity OR
(ii) avoid a transaction reporting requirement under federal law
(b) transports, transmits or transfers or attempts to transport, transmit or transfer a monetary instrument or funds:
(A) with the intent to promote the carrying on of unlawful activity OR
(B) Knowing that the monetary instrument or funds involved in the transportation, transmission or transfer represent the proceeds of some form (though not necessarily which form) of unlawful activity & knowing that the transportation, transmission or transfer is designed, in whole or in part, to:
(i) conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, ownership or control of the proceeds of unlawful activity OR
(ii) avoid a transaction reporting requirement under federal law OR
(c) intentionally conducts or attempts to conduct a financial transaction involving property represented to be the proceeds of unlawful activity or property used to conduct or facilitate unlawful activity to:
(A) promote the carrying on of unlawful activity
(B) conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, ownership or control of property believed to be the proceeds of unlawful activity OR
(C) avoid a transaction reporting requirement under federal law
(3) for purposes of (1)(b)(B), the state may establish the defendant's knowledge through evidence that a peace officer, federal officer or another person acting at the direction of or with the approval of a peace officer or federal officer represented the matter specified in subsection (1)(b)(B) as true & the defendant's subsequent statements or actions indicate that the defendant believed the representations to be true
(4) for purposes of (1)(c), "represented" includes, but is not limited to, any representation made by a peace officer, federal officer or another person acting at the direction of or with the approval of a peace officer or federal officer
(5)(a) "conducts" includes initiating, concluding or participating in the initiation or conclusion of a transaction
(g) "transaction" includes a purchase, sale, loan, pledge, gift, transfer, delivery or other disposition and, with respect to a financial institution, includes a deposit, withdrawal, transfer between accounts, exchange of currency, loan, extension of credit, purchase or sale of any stock, bond, certificate of deposit or other monetary instrument, use of a safe deposit box or any other payment, transfer or delivery by, through or to a financial institution by whatever means
(h) "unlawful activity" means any act constituting a felony under state, federal or foreign law
+ Related statutes
Possession of stolen vehicle
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 819.300
(1) possession of any vehicle the person knows or has reason to believe has been stolen
Reckless burning
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.335
Right of possession [property]
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.105
right of possession of property is as follows:
(1) a person who has obtained possession of property by theft or other illegal means will be deemed to have a right of possession superior to that of someone who takes, obtains or withholds the property from that person by means of theft
(2) a joint or common owner of property will not be deemed to have a right of possession of the property superior to that of any other joint or common owner of the property
(3) in the absence of a specific agreement to the contrary, a person in lawful possession of property shall be deemed to have a right of possession superior to that of someone having only a security interest in the property, even if legal title to the property lies with the holder of the security interest pursuant to a conditional sale contract or other security agreement
Tampering with cable television equipment
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.373
(1)(a) knowingly tampers or otherwise interferes with or connects to by any means, whether mechanical, electrical, acoustical or other means, any cable, wire or other device used for the distribution of cable television service, without authority of the service provider OR
(b) knowingly permits another person to tamper or otherwise interfere with, or connect to by any means, whether mechanical, electrical, acoustical or other means, any cable, wire or other device used for the distribution of cable television service, such tampering, interfering or connecting being upon premises under the control of such first person or intended for the benefit of such first person, without authority of the service provider
Unauthorized use of a vehicle
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.135
(1)(a)(A) knowingly takes, operates, exercises control over, or otherwise uses another's vehicle, boat or aircraft
(B) is aware of & consciously disregards substantial & unjustifiable risk that owner doesn't consent to taking, operation or other use AND
(C) The owner didn't consent to the taking, operation or other use of, or the exercise of control over property
(b)(A) knowingly rides in another's vehicle, boat or aircraft
(B) knows that the owner does not consent to the person's riding in it AND
(C) owner or an authorized user of it didn't consent to person's riding in it
(c) having custody of a vehicle, boat or aircraft through agreement between suspect/another & owner where suspect/another is to perform, for compensation, a specific service for owner involving maintenance, repair or use of property, suspect intentionally uses/operates it, without owner's consent for their own purpose in a way constituting a gross deviation from agreed purpose OR
(d) having custody of a vehicle, boat or aircraft pursuant to agreement with owner requiring the property to be returned at a specified time, knowingly holds onto it without owner's consent for long enough that it's a gross deviation from agreement
• See 819.300 (possession of stolen vehicle) as it's a simpler statute under which to charge the driver of the vehicle
Unlawful distribution of cable television equipment
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.132
(1) someone commits the crime of unlawful distribution of cable television equipment if they knowingly manufactures, imports into this state, distributes, sells, offers for sale, rental or use, possesses for sale, rental or use, or advertises for sale, rental or use, any device designed to make available the unauthorized reception of cable television signals
Unlawful entry into motor vehicle
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.272
(1) Enters a motor vehicle, or any part of a motor vehicle, with the intent to commit a crime
(2) "enters" includes, but is not limited to, inserting
(a) Any part of the suspect's body OR
(b) Any object connected with the suspect's body
Unlawful possession of a graffiti tool
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.386
Unlawfully applying graffiti
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.383
Value of property
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - General > 164.115
(1) except as otherwise specified in this statute, value means the market value of the property at the time & place of the crime, or if that can't be reasonably determined, the cost of replacement of the property within a reasonable time after the crime
(2) whether or not they have been issued or delivered, certain written instruments, not including those having a readily ascertainable market value, will be evaluated as follows:
(a) the value of an instrument constituting an evidence of debt, including, but not limited to, a check, draft or promissory note, will be considered the amount due or collectible thereon or thereby
(b) the value of any other instrument which creates, releases, discharges or otherwise affects any valuable legal right, privilege or obligation shall be considered the greatest amount of economic loss which the owner might reasonably suffer because of the loss of the instrument
(3) the value of a gambling chip, token, imitation currency or similar device is its face value
(4) The value of the wildlife listed in ORS 496.705 (Damage suits for unlawful killing of wildlife) is the amount of damages as specified in ORS 496.705 (Damage suits for unlawful killing of wildlife)
(5) When the value of property cannot reasonably be ascertained, it shall be presumed to be an amount less than $100 in a case of theft, and less than $500 in any other case
(6) The value of single theft transactions may be added together if the thefts were committed:
(a) against multiple victims by similar means within a 30-day period; or
(b) against the same victim, or two or more persons who are joint owners, within a 180-day period
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