ORS  Guide
ORS > Criminal Code > Obstruction > 162.335
(1) accepts or agrees to accept any financial benefit as consideration for refraining from reporting to LE the commission or suspected commission of any felony or information relating to a felony
Defenses for hindering or compounding limited
ORS > Criminal Code > Obstruction > 162.345
It is no defense against prosecution for 162.323 (hindering prosecution) or 162.335 (compounding) that the principal offender is not apprehended, prosecuted, convicted or punished
False information to a peace officer regarding citation/warrant
ORS > Criminal Code > Obstruction > 162.385
(1) knowingly uses or gives a false or fictitious name, address or DOB to a peace officer when:
(b) there is an outstanding warrant for the person's arrest
Hindering prosecution
ORS > Criminal Code > Obstruction > 162.323
(1) with intent to hinder apprehension, prosecution, conviction or punishment of a subject who's committed a felony, or to assist the subject in profiting or benefiting from the crime:
(a) harbors or conceals the subject OR
(b) warns the subject of impending discovery or apprehension OR
(c) provides/helps in providing money, transportation, weapon, disguise or other means of avoiding discovery or apprehension OR
(d) uses force, intimidation or deception to prevents/obstruct anyone from performing an act which might aid in the discovery/apprehension of the subject OR
(e) suppresses by any act of concealment, alteration or destruction of physical evidence which might aid in the discovery or apprehension of the subject OR
(f) aids subject in securing or protecting the proceeds of the crime
Initiating a false report
ORS > Criminal Code > Obstruction > 162.375
(1) knowingly initiates a false alarm or report that is transmitted to a fire department, law enforcement agency or other organization that deals with emergencies involving danger to life or property.
(3)(a) the court shall include in the sentence of anyone convicted under this section the requirement that the person pays for the costs incurred in responding to & investigating the false report
(b) if the response to the false report involved the deployment of a law SWAT team or a similar law enforcement group, then court will impose, & may not suspend, a term of incarceration of:
(A) at least ten (10) days.
(B) at least thirty (30) days if the deployment resulted in death or serious physical injury to another person
Interference with firefighter or EMS provider
ORS > Criminal Code > Obstruction > 162.257
(1) knowing someone is a firefighter or EMS provider, and intentionally acting in a way that prevents or attempts to prevent them from performing their lawful duties
Interference with peace, parole, probation officer
ORS > Criminal Code > Obstruction > 162.247
(1) Knowing someone is a peace officer, parole officer or probation officer, intentionally or knowingly acts in a way preventing or attempting to prevent the officer from performing their lawful duty with regards to another person or a criminal investigation
(3) This section doesn't apply in situations in which the person is engaging in passive resistance
(4) A person can't be arrested or charged under this statute if they are arrested or charged for another offence based on the same conduct
Obstructing governmental or judicial administration
ORS > Criminal Code > Obstruction > 162.235
(1)(a) intentionally obstructs, impairs or hinders the administration of law or other governmental or judicial function by means of intimidation, force, physical or economic interference or obstacle
(b) with intent to defraud, engages in the business of or acts in the capacity of a notary public as defined in ORS 194.215 (Definitions) without having received a commission as a notary public from the Secretary of State OR
(b) With intent to defraud, engages in the business of or acts in the capacity of an immigration consultant, in violation of bar membership required to practice law
(2) This section doesn't apply to the obstruction of unlawful governmental or judicial action or interference with the making of an arrest
+ Related statutes
Providing false foreign restraining order
ORS > Criminal Code > Obstruction > 133.318
(1) provides a peace officer a copy of a writing appearing to be a foreign restraining order while knowing that no valid order is in effect
(2) represents to a peace officer that a foreign restraining order is the most recent order in effect between the parties or that the person restrained by the order has been personally served with a copy of the order or has actual notice of the order knowing the representation to be false
Refusing to assist a peace officer
ORS > Criminal Code > Obstruction > 162.245
(1) upon command by a someone known by the person to be a peace officer the person unreasonably refuses or fails to assist in effecting an authorized arrest or preventing another from committing a crime
Refusing to assist in fire-fighting operations
ORS > Criminal Code > Obstruction > 162.255
(1)(a) upon command by someone known by the person to be a firefighter the person unreasonably refuses or fails to assist in extinguishing a fire or protecting property threatened by it OR*
(b) upon command by someone known by the person to be a firefighter or peace officer the person intentionally and unreasonably disobeys a lawful order relating to their conduct in the vicinity of a fire
(2) (1) doesn't apply to anyone working for a news organization if they are reporting on the fire and they don't unreasonably interfere with fire-fighting operations
Resisting arrest
ORS > Criminal Code > Obstruction > 162.315
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