ORS  Guide
(a) firearm
(b) dirk, dagger, ice pick, slingshot, metal knuckles or any similar instrument or a knife, other than an ordinary pocketknife with a blade less than four inches in length, the use of which could inflict injury upon a person or property;
(c) mace, tear gas, pepper mace or any similar deleterious agent as defined in 163.211 to 163.213 (unlawful use stun gun/tear gas/mace 1)
(d) electrical stun gun or any similar instrument;
(e) tear gas weapon as defined in 163.211
(f) club, bat, baton, billy club, bludgeon, knobkerrie, nunchaku, nightstick, truncheon or any similar instrument, the use of which could inflict injury upon a person or property; or
(g) dangerous or deadly weapon as those terms are defined in 161.015.
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