ORS  Guide
Abandoning a vehicle
ORS > Vehicle Code > Miscellaneous > 819.100
(1) the subject abandons a vehicle on a highway or any public or private property
(2) the vehicle owner, as shown by DOT records, will be considered responsible for abandoning the vehicle as prohibited by this statute & will be liable for the cost of its towing & disposition
(3) a vehicle abandoned in violation of this statute is subject to the provisions for towing and sale of abandoned vehicles under statutes: 819.110 (Custody, towing and sale or disposal of abandoned vehicle) to 819.215 (Disposal of vehicle appraised at $500 or less) [See related statutes below]
Arrest and citation
ORS > Vehicle Code > Miscellaneous > 810.410
(1) a police officer may arrest or issue a citation for a traffic crime at any place per 133.235 (arrest by peace officer) & 133.310 (peace officer arrest authority without warrant) [Be sure to refer to agency policy]
(2) a police officer may arrest or issue a citation for a traffic crime at any place:
(a) when the violation is committed in the officer's presence OR
(b) when the officer has PC to believe an offense has occurred based on a description of the vehicle or other information received from a another police officer who observed the traffic violation.
(a) must not arrest a person for a traffic violation.
(b) may stop & detain a person for a traffic violation for the purposes of investigation reasonably related to the traffic violation, identification & issuance of citation.
(c) May make an inquiry into circumstances arising during the course of a detention and investigation under paragraph (b) of this subsection that give rise to a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity.
This may not longer be the case due to Oregon vs Mario Arreola-Botello where the Oregon Supreme Court ruled that a police officer may only ask questions “reasonably related” to the reason the driver was pulled over
(d) May make an inquiry to ensure the safety of the officer, the person stopped or others present, including an inquiry regarding the presence of weapons.
(e) may request consent to search in relation to the circumstances referred to in (c) of this subsection or to search for items of evidence otherwise subject to search or seizure under 133.535 (Permissible objects of search and seizure)
(f) may use the degree of force reasonably necessary to make the stop & ensure the safety of the police officer, the person stopped or others present.
(g) may arrest a person as authorized by 133.310 (peace officer arrest authority without warrant) (2) if the person is stopped & detained pursuant to the authority in this statute.
(4) When a police officer at the scene of a traffic accident has reasonable grounds, based upon their personal investigation, to believe that a person involved in the accident has committed a traffic offense in connection with the accident, the officer may issue a citation for that offense. The authority under this subsection is in addition to any other authority to issue a citation for a traffic offense
Exemptions from traffic laws
ORS > Vehicle Code > Miscellaneous > 820.300
(1) subject to conditions, limitations, prohibitions and penalties established for emergency vehicle and ambulance drivers under 820.320 (illegal operation of emergency vehicle or ambulance), the driver of an emergency vehicle or ambulance may do any of the following:
(a) park or stand in disregard of a statute, regulation or ordinance prohibiting that parking or standing
(b) proceed past a red signal or stop sign
(c) exceed the designated speed limits
(d) disregard regulations governing direction of movement or turning in specified directions
(e) proceed past the flashing bus safety lights without violating 811.155 if the driver first stops the vehicle and then proceeds only when the driver:
(A) determines that no passengers of the bus remain on the roadway AND
(B) proceeds with caution
(2) the provisions of this section:
(a) don't relieve the driver of an emergency vehicle or ambulance from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all other persons
(b) are not a defense to the driver of an emergency vehicle or ambulance in an action brought for criminal negligence or reckless conduct
(c) except as specifically provided in this statute, don't relieve the driver of an emergency vehicle or ambulance from the duty to comply with 811.155
Illegal operation of emergency vehicle or ambulance
ORS > Vehicle Code > Miscellaneous > 820.320
(1) it's a violation of this statute for the driver of an emergency vehicle or ambulance to violates any of the following:
(a) an emergency vehicle or ambulance driver may only exercise privileges granted under 820.300 (exemptions from traffic laws) when responding to an emergency call or when responding to, but not upon returning from, an emergency. An emergency vehicle driver may exercise privileges granted under 820.300 (exemptions from traffic laws) when in pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law.
(b) an emergency vehicle or ambulance driver must use a visual signal with appropriate warning lights when they are exercising privileges granted under 820.300 (exemptions from traffic laws)
(c) in addition to any required visual signal, an emergency vehicle or ambulance driver must make use of an audible signal meeting the requirements under ORS 820.370 (Ambulance or emergency vehicle sirens) when the driver is proceeding past a stop light or stop sign under privileges granted by 820.300 (exemptions from traffic laws) (1)(b)
(d) an emergency vehicle or ambulance driver who is exercising privileges granted under 820.300 (exemptions from traffic laws) by parking or standing an emergency vehicle in disregard of a regulation or ordinance prohibiting that parking, stopping or standing, will not use the audible signal.
(e) in exercising the privileges under 820.300 (exemptions from traffic laws) (1)(e) relating to buses and bus safety lights, an emergency vehicle or ambulance driver must first stop the vehicle and then must:
(A) determine that no passengers of the bus remain on the roadway; and
(B) proceed with caution
(f) in proceeding past any stop light or stop sign under the privileges granted by 820.300 (exemptions from traffic laws), an emergency vehicle or ambulance driver must slow down as may be necessary for safe operation.
(g) an emergency vehicle or ambulance driver must not exceed any designated speed limit to an extent which endangers persons or property
(2) an emergency vehicle driver that is operated as an emergency police vehicle is not required to use either visual signal or the audible signal as described in this statute in order to exercise the privileges granted in 820.300 (exemptions from traffic laws) when it reasonably appears to the driver that the use of either or both would prevent or hamper the apprehension or detection of a violator of a statute, ordinance or regulation
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