ORS  Guide
Equipment - General
Brakes - improper
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.130
(1) it's a violation of this statute to do any of the following:
(a) drives or moves on any highway a vehicle that isn't equipped with brakes that meet requirements under 815.125 (brakes - requirements & standards)
(b) owns a vehicle & causes or knowingly permits the vehicle to be driven or moved on any highway when the vehicle is not equipped with brakes that meet the requirements under 815.125 (brakes - requirements & standards)
(2) this statute is subject to the exemptions established 815.135 (brakes - requirement exemptions)
Brakes - requirement exemptions
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.135
this statute establishes exemptions from 815.130 (brakes - improper). The exemptions under this statute are in addition to any exemptions under 801.026 (General exemptions). The exemptions under this section are partial or complete as described in the following:
(1) the following vehicles are considered in compliance with the brake requirements if they are equipped with original manufacturer's equipment & accessories, or their equivalent, & maintained in safe operating condition:
(a) except as provided in paragraph (2), vehicles of special interest registered under 805.020 (Special interest vehicles)
(2) vehicles of special interest that are registered under 805.020 (Special interest vehicles) & that are street rods are considered in compliance with the brake requirements if the street rods conform to 815.107 (Exemption from equipment requirements for street rods)
(3) the following vehicles are exempt from the brake requirements:
(a) road machinery
(b) road rollers
(c) farm tractors
(d) electric personal assistive mobility devices
(e) a trailer transporting a dory , unless the trailer is operated in interstate commerce, has a gross combination weight rating of more than 11,999 lbs or has a gross combination weight of more than 11,999 lbs
[a dory is a small, shallow-draft boat, about 16 to 23ft long. It's' usually a lightweight boat with high sides, a flat bottom and sharp bows]
Brakes - requirements & standards
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.125
this statute establishes requirements 815.130 (brakes - improper). Except as specifically provided by an exemption under 815.135 (brakes - requirement exemptions), a vehicle or combination of vehicles is in violation 815.130, if the vehicle or combination of vehicles is not equipped with brakes as required or if the brakes do not meet the standards described under the following:
(1) motorcycles & mopeds will be provided with at least one (1) )brake that may be operated by hand or foot
(2) motor vehicles other than mopeds or motorcycles will be equipped with brakes that include two separate means of applying the brakes. Each of the separate means of applying the brakes will be effective to apply the brakes to at least two (2) wheels and, if the separate means of applying the brakes are connected in any way, will be so constructed that failure of any one part of the operating mechanism will not leave the motor vehicle without brakes on at least two (2) wheels
(3) a combination of vehicles that includes a motor vehicle & any other vehicle will be equipped with a brake system on one (1) or more of the vehicles
(4) brakes on any vehicle must be adequate to control movement of & to stop & to hold the vehicle or combination of vehicles
(5) brakes on any vehicle must be maintained in good working order
(6) every motor vehicle & combination of motor vehicles except mopeds or motorcycles will at all times be equipped with a parking brake system. A parking brake system required by this subsection must meet all the following requirements:
(a) the system must be adequate to hold the vehicle or combination of motor vehicles on any grade where operated under any condition of loading on a surface free from ice or snow
(b) the system will at all times be capable of being applied by either the driver's muscular effort, by spring action or by other energy. This paragraph is violated if the method for applying the system is not sufficient to make the system hold a vehicle as required by this paragraph (6)
(c) if the system is applied by an energy source, the source must be isolated from other uses & used exclusively for the operation of the system
(d) the method for keeping the brakes applied must be other than by fluid pressure, air pressure or electric energy
(e) the system will be designed so that the brakes cannot be released unless they may be immediately reapplied
(7) brakes on vehicles of the following described weight must be able to stop the vehicle moving at the described speed within the described distance without leaving a twelve (12) foot wide lane:
(a) vehicles with a registration weight of less than 8,000lbs must be able to brake from a speed of 20 mph to a stop within 25ft
(b) vehicles with a registration weight of 8,000lbs or more & combinations of vehicles must be able to brake from a speed from 20 mph to a stop within 35ft
Causing unreasonable noise with vehicle
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.025
(1) operates upon highway any motor vehicle so as to cause any greater noise or sound than is reasonably necessary for proper operation of vehicle
Fender & mudguard - standards
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.180
(1) Fender & mudguard standards for 815.185 (fenders or mudguards - operation without proper fenders or mudguards). [815.190|815.190 (Exemptions)]:
(a) the width of any fender/mudguard must be sufficient to extend at least to each side of tire's width or combined width of multiple tires when measured against the cross section of tread of the wheel(s)
(b) be of sufficient size & construction to always be capable of stopping & deflecting any dirt, mud, water or other substance picked up & carried by the wheels.
(2) The following types of fenders/mudguards must cover vehicle wheels as described below:
(a) Type I: must cover the full width of the tire & extend from above & forward of wheel center to a point at the rear of the wheels not more than 10in above highway surface when vehicle is empty (or 13in if attached to rear of a dump box that elevates for unloading)
(b) Type II: must cover the full width of the tire & extend from above & forward of wheel center to a point at the rear of the wheels not more than 10in above highway surface when vehicle is empty (or 13in if attached to rear of a dump box that elevates for unloading)
(c) Type III: have to cover the full width of the tire, & extend from above & forward of the wheel's center to a point at the wheel's rear 27in or less above highway surface
Fender or mudguard - required for specified vehicle
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.822
(1) following vehicle types must be equipped with fender or mudguards types per 815.180 (fender & mudguard - standards) paragraph (2)
(a) Type I: within 5ft of tire tread on last axle tires of every:
(A) motor truck equipped with a body having registration weight 8,000lbs or more
(B) trailer except as otherwise described later
(b) Type II: within 4ft of tire tread on last axle tires of every:
(A) motor truck with a registration weight 8,000lbs or more & not equipped with a body
(C) jeep used in movement of non-divisible heavy haul loads
(D) booster
(E) lowboy
(F) container chassis (a frame with wheels, attached to a tractor, used to transport containers to/from ports, rail hubs & customer locations)
(c) Type III: on each axle of every other motor vehicle type
(2) tractor & semitrailer coupled together are considered 1 vehicle
Fenders or mudguards - operation without proper fenders or mudguards
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.185
(1) drive/move on highway or own & cause or knowingly permit vehicle to be driven/moved on highway without 815.182 or if fenders or mudguards don't meet 815.182
Operating vehicle loaded or equipped to obstruct driver
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.270
(1) operating vehicle loaded, equipped, or where baggage or encumbrance:
(a) substantially obstructs driver's views to rear, through one or more mirrors & otherwise.
(b) obstructs driver's view to the front or sides.
(c) interferes with control of driving mechanism
(d) prevents free, unhampered operation of vehicle by driver
Rearview mirror - operation without
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.235
(1)(a) drive or move on highway any motor vehicle unequipped with rearview mirror/device meeting statute's requirements
(b) as in (a) but own a motor vehicle & cause or knowingly permit it to be driven/moved on highway
(2) the mirror or device must enable a driver to have a clear & unobstructed view of approaching car for 200ft or more on an unobstructed road at all times & under all load conditions
Sound equipment - violation of equipment requirements
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.230
(1) it's a violation of this statute to drive or move on any highway or own & cause or knowingly permit to be driven on any highway any vehicle that violates any of the following equipment provisions:
(a) a motor vehicle must be equipped with a horn in good working order, capable of emitting sounds audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 200ft.
(b) no vehicle shall be equipped with any bell, siren, compression or exhaust whistle
(2) this statute is subject to the exemptions under this subsection in addition to any exemptions under 801.026 (General exemptions). The exemptions under this paragraph are partial or complete as described in the following:
(a) authorized emergency vehicles & ambulances are subject to sound equipment requirements and limitations as provided in 820.370 (Ambulance or emergency vehicle sirens) and 820.380 (Illegal ambulance or emergency vehicle sirens)
(b) special interest vehicles that are registered under 805.020 (Special interest vehicles) are not subject to this section if the vehicles are:
(A) equipped with original manufacturer's equipment & accessories, or their equivalent, & are maintained in safe operating condition OR
(c) bicycles are subject to requirements & limitations on sound equipment as provided under 815.280 (violation of bicycle equipment requirements)
(d) antique vehicles are not subject to the requirements if the vehicles are maintained as collectors' items & used for exhibitions, parades, club activities & similar uses, but not used primarily for the transportation of people or property
(e) the requirements of this statute don't apply to road machinery, road rollers & farm tractors
(f) electric personal assistive mobility devices are subject to requirements & limitations on sound equipment as provided under 815.284 (Violation of electric personal assistive mobility device equipment requirements)
Sound equipment - violation of use limits
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.225
(1) it's a violation of this statute to do any of the following:
(a) use on a vehicle, any bell, siren, compression or exhaust whistle
(b) use a horn otherwise than as a reasonable warning or make any unnecessary or unreasonably loud or harsh sound by means of a horn or other warning device
(2) authorized emergency vehicles and ambulances are not subject to this section but are subject to 820.370 (Ambulance or emergency vehicle sirens) and 820.380 (Illegal ambulance or emergency vehicle sirens)
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.221
(2) may be applied motor vehicle's side & rear windows if tinting material has:
(a) light transmittance 50% ore more
(b) light reflectance 13% or less AND
(c) total transmittance 35% or more through the window post tint application
(3) material other than permitted in (2) may be applied to top 6in of windshield ONLY
(4) multipurpose passenger vehicles… (see statute text)
(5) may have tinting other than permitted in (2) on side & rear windows if have one of the following documents signed by licensed physician or optometrist stating person or someone in household has physical condition requiring window tinting producing lower light transmittance than permitted:
(a) affidavit
(b) prescription
(c) letter on the practitioner's letterhead.
(6) document required by (5) shall be kept in vehicle & be shown to a LEO inquiring about the tint.
(8) following are not permitted:
(a) mirror finish products
(b) red, gold, yellow, amber or black material
(c) material that's liquid & is brushed or sprayed on i.e it has to be a film
(9) tint installer shall provide customer with certificate stating:
(a) name & address of tint installer
(b) light transmittance of the tinting material
(c) light reflectance of the tinting material AND
(d) total light transmittance thru each window with the tinting applied 35% or more
(10) certificate issued under (9) above shall be kept in motor vehicle & shown to LEO inquiring about tint
Tinting - illegal window tinting
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.222
(1) apply tinting material not complying with 815.221 (tinting) or applying tinting to a motor vehicle not authorized by 815.221 (tinting) to be equipped with window tinting.
(2) operate vehicle registered required to be registered in Oregon & equipped with window tinting not complying with or authorized by 815.221 (tinting).
Traction tires or chains - exemptions
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.145
this statute establishes exemptions from 815.140 (traction tires or chains - failure to use). The following are completely or partially exempt as described:
(1) police vehicles under any conditions
(2) fire vehicles when responding to a fire
(3) an ambulance when responding to an emergency
(4) a passenger vehicle or truck is not required to use chains if the vehicle or truck:
Traction tires or chains - failure to use
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.140
(1) it's a violation of this statute to drive or move or to own & cause or knowingly permit to be driven or moved any motor vehicle or trailer on any highway if the highway is posted showing conditions that require vehicle traction tires or chains & the vehicle is not equipped with vehicle traction tires or chains that are required for the posted conditions
(2) traction tires or chains that are referred to in this section are those established by rule under the authority granted under 815.045 (Rules for use of traction tires, retractable studded tires and chains)
(3) this statute doesn't apply to vehicles exempted from under 815.145 (traction tires or chains - exemptions)
(4) this statute only applies to sections of highway on which a road authority requires the use of traction tires or chains & on which signs requiring the use of traction tires or chains have been posted as provided in 815.045 (Rules for use of traction tires, retractable studded tires and chains)
(5) a court may not find a person to be in violation of the offense described under this statute if the court determines that the conditions of the highway at the time the person was cited did not require posting under rules adopted under 815.045. The defense under this subsection may be affirmatively asserted by any person cited for violation of the offense described in this statute
(6) The offense described in this section, failure to use vehicle traction tires or chains, is a specific fine traffic violation. The presumptive fine for failure to use vehicle traction tires or chains is $880
Unreasonable sound amplification from a vehicle
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.232
(1) It's a violation of this statute to operate, or permit the operation of, any sound amplification system which is plainly audible outside of a vehicle from 50 or more feet when the vehicle is on a public highway or on premises open to the public, unless that system is being operated to request assistance or warn of a hazardous situation
(2) Paragraph (1) doesn't apply to:
(a) Vehicles being operated outside of an urban growth boundary
(b) Emergency vehicles
(c) Vehicles operated by utilities or telecommunications carriers
(d) Sound systems of vehicles used for advertising, or in parades, political or other special events, except that the use of sound systems on those vehicles may be prohibited by a local authority by ordinance or resolution;
(e) Audio alarm systems installed in vehicles OR
(f) Federal Communications Commission licensed two-way radio communications systems.
Visible emission limits - exemptions
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.205
this statute establishes exemptions from 815.195 (visible emission limits - requirements & standards) and 815.200 (visible emission limits - violation). The exemptions under this section are in addition to any exemptions under 801.026 (General exemptions). Exemptions under this section are partial or complete as described in the following:
(1) motor vehicles registered as farm vehicles under 805.300 (Farm vehicle registration) are not subject to the limits on visible emissions
(2) Special interest and antique vehicles are not subject to the limits on visible emissions if the vehicles are maintained as a collectors' item & used for exhibitions, parades, club activities and similar uses, but not used primarily for the transportation of people or property.
(3) the visible emission limits apply only in counties having a population over 50,000 according to the 1970 federal decennial census that are located west of the summit of the Cascade Mountains. The summit of the Cascade Mountains is determined for purposes of this paragraph by the line beginning at the intersection of the northern boundary of the State of Oregon and the western boundary of Wasco County, thence southerly along the western boundaries of the counties of Wasco, Jefferson, Deschutes and Klamath to the southern boundary of the State of Oregon
Visible emission limits - requirements & standards
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.195
this statute establishes requirements for 815.200 (visible emission limits - violation). Except as specifically provided by an exemption under 815.205 (visible emission limits - exemptions), a vehicle is in violation of 815.200 if the vehicle is required to comply with one of the following standards for visible emissions & the vehicle produces visible emissions that exceed those allowable under the described standard, as follows:
(1) Visible Emission Standard I: this standard is a violated if the vehicle produces any visible emissions that include any gases or particulates, other than uncombined water, which separately or in combination are visible upon release to the outdoor atmosphere
(2) Visible Emission Standard II: this standard is a violated if the vehicle is operated at an elevation described under below & the vehicle produces a visible emission in excess of that allowed under this paragraph. Visible emissions limited under this subsection include any gases or particulates, other than uncombined water, which separately or in combination are visible upon release to the outdoor atmosphere. The limitations on visible emission under this paragraph are limits on the percent of transmitted light that is obscured by the visible emission. A vehicle violates the standards under this subsection if the vehicle does any of the following:
(a) while operated at an elevation of 3,000ft or less, releases emissions that obscure more than 10% of transmitted light. A vehicle is not in violation of this paragraph if the vehicle releases emissions that obscure 40% or less of transmitted light for not longer than seven (7) consecutive seconds
(b) while operated at an elevation of over 3,000ft, releases emissions that obscure more than 20% of transmitted light. A vehicle is not in violation of this paragraph if the vehicle releases emissions that obscure 60% or less of transmitted light for not longer than seven (7) consecutive seconds
Visible emission limits - violation
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.200
(1) it's a violation of this statute if a person operates, drives & causes or permits to be driven on any highway:
(a) a motor vehicle, other than one described in paragraph (b), that has visible emissions exceeding visible emissions allowed under Visible Emission Standard I under 815.195 (visible emission limits - requirements & standards)
(b) A motor vehicle powered by compression ignition, two cycle or diesel cycle engines or a vehicle excluded by order of the Environmental Quality Commission under 468A.075 (Variances from air contamination rules and standards) & the vehicle has visible emissions exceeding visible emissions allowed under Visible Emission Standard II under 815.195 (visible emission limits - requirements & standards)
(2) the exemptions from this section are established under 815.205 (visible emission limits - exemptions)
Windows - obstruction
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.220
(1) drive/move on any highway or own vehicle & cause or knowingly permit it to be driven/moved on any highway with windows obstructed as in (2) below
(2) violation if any material including any sign, poster, one-way glass, adhesive film, glaze application or other material preventing or impairing the ability to see into or out of the:
(a) front windshield.
(b) side-wings.
(c) side windows on either side forward of or adjacent to operator's seat.
(4) permits may be placed in accordance with 803.650 (Placement of permits in vehicles)
Windows - operation of vehicle without approved material
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.210
(1) operates drives or moves on any highway or owns & causes or knowingly permits to be driven or moved on any highway a motor vehicle with a windshield or windows that don't conform to the standards established by DOT under 815.040 (Standards for window and windshield material)
(2) this section doesn't apply to the following vehicles:
(a) any motor vehicle manufactured on or before January 1, 1954, & registered in Oregon. The exemption under this paragraph doesn't apply to windshields or windows that have been replaced after January 1, 1954
(b) vehicles of special interest that are registered under 805.020 (Special interest vehicles) that are:
(A) equipped with the original manufacturer's equipment & accessories, or their equivalent, that are maintained in safe operating condition OR
(c) road machinery, road rollers or farm tractors
(d) antique vehicles that are maintained as collectors' items and used for exhibitions, parades, club activities and similar uses, but not used primarily for the transportation of people or property
(3) the vehicle exemptions under this section are also exemptions from the prohibitions under 815.090 (windows - replacement with unapproved material) against replacing vehicle window or windshield with any unapproved material as provided in that section
Windows - replacement with unapproved material
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.090
(1) makes or procures the replacement of windows or windshields in a motor vehicle & the replacement is made with a material that doesn't meet the standards established by DOT under 815.040 (Standards for window and windshield material)
(1) this statute doesn't apply to vehicles that are exempt under 815.210 (windows - operation of vehicle without approved material) from the prohibitions against operating a vehicle without approved materials in the vehicle windows
Windshield wipers - Failure to have windshield wipers
ORS > Vehicle Code > Equipment - General > 815.215
(1) it's a violation of this statute to drive or move on any highway or to own and cause or knowingly permit to be driven or moved on any highway a motor vehicle that has a windshield & that is not equipped with windshield wipers that meet the requirements under this statute
(2) windshield wipers meet the requirements of this statute if the windshield wipers are designed for cleaning rain or other moisture from the windshield & so constructed as to be controlled or operated by the driver of the vehicle
(3) this statute doesn't apply to the following vehicles:
(a) special interest vehicles that are registered under 805.020 (Special interest vehicles) & that are:
(A) equipped with the original manufacturer's equipment & accessories, or their equivalent, & that are maintained in safe operating condition OR
(b) road machinery, road rollers or farm tractors
(c) antique vehicles that are maintained as collectors' items & used for exhibitions, parades, club activities & similar uses, but not used primarily for transporting people or property
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