ORS  Guide
Driver failure to report accident to DOT
ORS > Vehicle Code > Collisions > 810.725
(1) a vehicle driver violates this statute if they do any of the following:
(a) drive any vehicle involved in an accident required to be reported under 811.720 (when accident must be reported to dot) & within 72 hours of the accident & don't complete a report of the accident in a form approved by the DOT & submit it to the department
(b) drive a vehicle involved in an accident & don't submit to DOT any report required by the department that is other than or in addition to the reports required by this statute. The department may request a supplemental report if in the opinion of the department the original report is insufficient
(c) drive any vehicle that is involved in an accident required to be reported under 811.720 (when accident must be reported to dot) & within 72 hours of the accident doesn't provide proof of compliance with financial responsibility requirements to the department, in a form furnished by the department, that at the time of the accident the person was in compliance with the financial responsibility requirements
(2) proof of compliance with financial responsibility required under this statute is subject to the prohibitions and penalties for false certification under 806.050 (Falsification of financial responsibility)
(3) the reports described in this statute are subject to the provisions of 802.220 (Availability of records) & 802.240 (Driver and vehicle records as evidence) relating to the use of such reports after submission. Exemptions from requirements to provide proof of compliance with financial responsibility are established under 806.020 (Exemptions from financial responsibility requirements)
(4) a driver may be required to file additional accident reports with a city as provided under ORS 801.040 (Authority to adopt special provisions)
Driver failure to report accident to police officer or law enforcement agency
ORS > Vehicle Code > Collisions > 811.748
(1) the driver of a vehicle violates this statute if the driver is driving any vehicle that is involved in an accident required to be reported under 811.745 (when accident must be reported to police officer or law enforcement agency) & the driver, if physically capable, doesn't give notice of the accident immediately to a police officer or a law enforcement agency by the quickest means available
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a driver doesn't violate this statute if:
(a) the accident required to be reported under 811.745 (when accident must be reported to police officer or law enforcement agency) results in a serious injury or death AND
(b) the driver gives notice of the accident immediately to the emergency communications system by the quickest means available
Failure of vehicle occupant to make accident report to DOT
ORS > Vehicle Code > Collisions > 811.735
(1) it's a violation of this statute if:
(a) an occupant, other than the driver, of a vehicle at a time the vehicle is involved in an accident required to be reported under 811.720 (when accident must be reported to dot) AND
(b) the driver of the vehicle is physically incapable of making an accident report required under 811.725 AND
(c) the occupant doesn't make the accident report or cause the accident report to be made
(2) this statute doesn't require an occupant of a vehicle who isn't a driver to provide proof of compliance with financial responsibility requirements
Failure of vehicle occupant to make accident report to police officer or law enforcement agency
ORS > Vehicle Code > Collisions > 811.750
(1) it's a violation of this statute if:
(a) an occupant, other than the driver, of a vehicle at a time the vehicle is involved in an accident required to be reported under 811.745 (when accident must be reported to police officer or law enforcement agency) AND
(b) the driver of the vehicle is physically incapable of making an accident report required under 811.745 (when accident must be reported to police officer or law enforcement agency) AND
(c) the occupant doesn't make the accident report or cause the accident report to be made
(2) notwithstanding paragraph (1), it's not a violation of this statute if:
(a) the accident required to be reported under 811.745 (when accident must be reported to police officer or law enforcement agency) results in a serious injury or death AND
(b) the person gives notice of the accident immediately to the emergency communications system by the quickest means available
Failure to perform duties of driver to injured persons
ORS > Vehicle Code > Collisions > 811.705
(1) F(c): driver knowing or having reason to believe vehicle involved in collision resulting in injury or death to a person & doesn't:
(a) Immediately stop at, or as close as possible to, collision scene & reasonably investigate what vehicle hit. Stop shouldn't obstruct traffic more than necessary
(b) remain at scene until fulfilled all requirements under this subsection
(c) give other driver, surviving passenger or anyone injured in collision:
(A) name & address: driver, vehicle owner, any other vehicle occupants. AND
(B) If vehicle = motor vehicle: registration #, name & phone # of insurance carrier, policy #
(d) on request & if available, show & give occupant/person attending any vehicle damaged the # of any document issued as evidence of driving privileges
(e) if apparent that an injured person needs medical care or they request it, give reasonable assistance, including taking, or arranging to take them to medical care
(f) if all persons required to be given info. under (c) are killed, unconscious, or incapable of receiving info, stay at scene until LEO arrives & receives required information Exception – driver requires medical or needs to leave to secure medical care for injured, or notify authorities as long as takes reasonable steps to return or to contact nearest LEO.
(g) if driver discovers after leaving the collision scene that their vehicle may have been involved in a collision resulting in injury or death to anyone: as soon as reasonably soon possible make good faith effort to comply with this statute's requirements; immediately contact 911 & provide dispatcher any requested information described in (c) above & location & approximate time of collision.
(3)(a) F(c): applicable on any premises open to the public
(b) F(b): if anyone suffers serious physical injury or dies as result of the collision
Failure to perform duties of driver when animal is injured
ORS > Vehicle Code > Collisions > 811.710
(1) driver knowing or having reason to believe their vehicle was involved in a collision & their vehicle injures or kills a domestic animal & they don't:
(a) immediately stop at, or as close as possible to, collision scene & reasonably investigate what vehicle hit. Stop shouldn't obstruct traffic more than necessary
(b) make reasonable effort to determine nature of the animal's injuries
(c) give reasonable attention to the animal.
(d) immediately report the injury to animal's owner.
(e) Immediately stop at, or as close as possible to, collision scene & reasonably investigate what vehicle hit. Stop shouldn't obstruct traffic more than necessary
(f) if after leaving collision scene driver discovers their vehicle may have been involved in a collision resulting in injury or death to domestic animal: as soon as reasonably possible make a good faith effort to comply with this statute's requirements
(2) statute's requirements for a driver to stop & attend to an injured animal depend on the traffic hazards then existing.
Failure to perform duties of driver when property is damaged
ORS > Vehicle Code > Collisions > 811.700
(1) driver knowing or having reason to believe vehicle involved in collision resulting in property damage fails to:
(a) Immediately stop at scene or as close to scene as possible & reasonably investigate. Shouldn't obstruct traffic more than necessary
(b) if collision resulted in only damage to vehicle driven or attended by any other:
(A) remain at scene AND:
(B) give the other driver or passenger:
(i) name & address: driver, vehicle owner's, any other vehicle occupants AND
(ii) If vehicle = motor vehicle: registration #, name & phone # of insurance carrier
(C) on request & if available, show & give occupant or person attending any vehicle damaged the # of any document issued as evidence of driving privileges
(c) if colliding with & damaging any unattended vehicle:
(A) locate operator, owner of unattended vehicle & notify them of:
(i) driver & vehicle owner's name & address
(ii) If vehicle = motor vehicle: registration #, name & phone # of insurance carrier OR
(B) leave note in conspicuous place on unattended vehicle giving:
(i) driver & vehicle owner's name & address & statement of collision circumstances AND
(ii) If vehicle = motor vehicle: registration #, name & phone of insurance carrier
(d) if the collision resulting only in damage to fixtures or property legally upon or adjacent to a highway:
(A) take reasonable steps to notify owner or person in charge of property of collision. Provide name & address of driver & vehicle owner. If vehicle = motor vehicle, reg #, name & phone # of insurance carrier & policy #
(B) on request & if available, show any document issued as evidence of driving privileges granted driver
(e) discover after leaving scene their vehicle may have been involved in a collision resulting in damage to another vehicle, fixture or property: as soon as reasonably possible make a good faith effort to comply with requirements of this subsection
Failure to perform duties of witness to accident
ORS > Vehicle Code > Collisions > 811.715
(1) it's a violation of this statute if someone:
(a) witnesses an accident that results in injury or death to anyone or causes damage to a vehicle that is driven or attended by anyone AN
(b) doesn't give the driver or occupant of such vehicles or injured person, the true name & address of the witness
Failure to remove motor vehicle from roadway
ORS > Vehicle Code > Collisions > 811.717
(1) it's a violation of this statute the driver of a motor vehicle after an accident:
(a) where no one has suffered any apparent personal injury as a result of the accident
(b) the driver's motor vehicle is operable and does not require towing
(c) it's safe to drive the motor vehicle to a location off of the roadway as close to the accident scene as possible AND
(d) the driver doesn't move the motor vehicle to a location off of the roadway as close to the accident scene as possible
False accident report
ORS > Vehicle Code > Collisions > 811.740
(1) a person commits the offense of giving a false accident report if the person gives information in any report required under 811.725 or 811.730 (owner failure to report accident to dot), knowing or having reason to believe that such information is false
Officer's accident report
ORS > Vehicle Code > Collisions > 810.460
(1) a police officer must submit a report to DOT whenever they do any of the following:
(b) prepare a report of an accident investigated at the time and place of the accident or by field interviews with the participants or witnesses.
(2) a police officer must submit a report required by this section to the department within ten (10) days of the investigation or report preparation
(3) police reports submitted to the department under this statute are subject to release or use as provided under 802.240 (Driver and vehicle records as evidence)
Owner failure to report accident to DOT
ORS > Vehicle Code > Collisions > 811.730
(1) it's a violation of this statute if a vehicle owner does any of the following:
(a) owns a vehicle that is involved in an accident that is required to be reported 811.720 (when accident must be reported to dot) and all of the following apply:
(A) the accident occurred while the vehicle was driven by someone other than the vehicle owner
(B) the vehicle driver doesn't make an accident report as required under 811.725
(C) the vehicle owner fails to report the accident to DOT in a form specified by the department as soon as they learn of the accident
(b) if the person is the owner of a vehicle involved in an accident and they don;'t make any additional reports the department may require
When accident must be reported to DOT
ORS > Vehicle Code > Collisions > 811.720
(1) except as provided in paragraph (4), any accident occurring on a highway or upon premises open to the public resulting in injury or death to anyone is subject to the reporting requirements under the following statutes:
(a) the reporting requirements for drivers under 811.725
(b) the reporting requirements for occupants of vehicles in accidents under 811.735 (failure of vehicle occupant to make accident report to dot)
(c) the reporting requirements for owners of vehicles under 811.730 (owner failure to report accident to dot)
(2) except as provided in paragraph (4), an accident occurring on a highway or upon premises open to the public resulting in damage to anyone's property in excess of $2,500 is subject to the following reporting requirements:
(a) the driver of a vehicle having more than $2,500 damage must report the accident in compliance with 811.725
(b) the owner of a vehicle having more than $2,500 damage must report the accident in the manner & under the circumstances specified in 811.730 (owner failure to report accident to dot)
(c) if the property damage is to property other than a vehicle involved in the accident, each involved driver must report the accident in compliance with 811.725 & each owner of an involved vehicle must report the accident in the manner & under the circumstances specified in 811.730 (owner failure to report accident to dot)
(d) if a vehicle involved in the accident is damaged to the point that it must be towed from the accident scene, each involved driver must report the accident in compliance with 811.725 & each owner of an involved vehicle must report the accident in the manner & under the circumstances specified in 811.730 (owner failure to report accident to dot)
(4) The following are exempt from the reporting requirements of this statute:
(b) a law enforcement official acting in the course of official duty if the accident involved a law enforcement official performing a lawful intervention technique or a law enforcement official and a person acting during the commission of a criminal offense
When accident must be reported to police officer or law enforcement agency
ORS > Vehicle Code > Collisions > 811.745
(1) except as provided in paragraph (4), any accident occurring on a highway or upon premises open to the public resulting in injury or death to anyone is subject to the reporting requirements under the following statutes:
(b) the reporting requirements for occupants of vehicles in accidents under 811.735 (failure of vehicle occupant to make accident report to dot)
(2) except as provided in paragraph (4), an accident occurring on a highway or upon premises open to the public resulting in damage to anyone's property in excess of $2,500 is subject to the following reporting requirements:
(a) the driver of a vehicle having more than $2,500 damage must report the accident in compliance with 811.748 (driver failure to report accident to police officer or law enforcement agency)
(b) if the property damage is to property other than a vehicle involved in the accident, each involved driver must report the accident in compliance with 811.748 (driver failure to report accident to police officer or law enforcement agency)
(c) if a vehicle involved in the accident is damaged to the point that it must be towed from the accident scene, each involved driver must report the accident in compliance with 811.748 (driver failure to report accident to police officer or law enforcement agency)
(4) The following are exempt from the reporting requirements of this statute:
(b) a law enforcement official acting in the course of official duty if the accident involved a law enforcement official performing a lawful intervention technique or a law enforcement official and a person acting during the commission of a criminal offense
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