ORS  Guide
Disabled - Unlawful parking in space reserved for the disabled
ORS > Vehicle Code > Parking, Stopping & Standing > 811.615
(1) it's a violation of this statute if:
(a) a person parks a vehicle in any parking space that is on private or public property and that is marked or signed to provide parking for persons with disabilities and the vehicle does not conspicuously display a disabled person parking permit described in 811.602 (Disabled person parking permit) or 811.606 (Parking permit for person with temporary disability) or a disabled parking permit issued by another jurisdiction
(b) a person parks a vehicle in the aisle required by 447.233 (Accessible parking space requirements) regardless of whether or not the vehicle displays a disabled person parking permit OR
(c) a person parks a vehicle in a parking space that is on private or public property and that is marked or signed "Wheelchair User Only" as described in 447.233 (Accessible parking space requirements) 811.613 (Wheelchair User placard)
(2) This section does not apply to any of the following:
(a) momentarily parking a vehicle in a parking space marked or signed for persons with disabilities for the purposes of allowing a person with a disability to enter or leave the vehicle
(b) any parking space that is marked or signed to provide parking for persons with disabilities & that is subject to different provisions or requirements under city or county ordinance if the different provisions or requirements are clearly posted
(3) unless the police officer or other authorized person issuing the citation witnesses the parking of the vehicle, a rebuttable presumption exists that a vehicle parked in violation of this section was parked by the registered owner of the vehicle and the citation issued for the violation may be placed upon the vehicle. If the parking of the vehicle is witnessed by the police officer or other person authorized to issue a citation for the offense, the operator of the vehicle is in violation of this section
(4) the penalties provided by this section will be imposed regardless of the text or symbol displayed on the marking or sign reserving the space or aisle for persons with disabilities. The penalties are in addition to the following
(a) a vehicle parked on private property in violation of this section is subject to removal, possession, lien and sale under 98.812 (Towing of unlawfully parked vehicle)
(b) a vehicle parked in violation of this section may be removed and sold as provided under 811.620 (disabled - removal of vehicle illegally parked in space reserved for the disabled)
(5)(a) T(c): except as provided in paragraph (b) below
(b) T(a): for a second or subsequent conviction
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