ORS  Guide
Prohibition against person under 21 possessing, attempting to purchase or purchasing marijuana item
ORS > Criminal Code > Marijuana > 475B.316
(1) V(b):
(a) anyone under 21 may not possess, attempt to purchase or purchase a marijuana item
(b) purchasing a marijuana item includes accepting a marijuana item, & possessing a marijuana item includes consuming a marijuana item, provided that the consumption of the marijuana item occurred no more than 24 hours before the determination that the person consumed the marijuana item
(2) V(b): Except as authorized by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission by rule, or as necessary in an emergency, a person under 21 may not enter or attempt to enter any portion of a premises that is posted or otherwise identified as being prohibited for the use of persons under 21 years of age.
(3)(b) V(a): the suspect possesses a marijuana item while operating a motor vehicle
(7) the prohibitions of this statute don't apply to someone under 21 who is acting under the direction of the commission or under the direction of state or local LEAs for the purpose of investigating possible violations of laws prohibiting sales of marijuana items to people who are under 21
(8) the prohibitions of this statute don't apply to someone under 21 who is acting under the direction of a licensee for the purpose of investigating possible violations by the licensee's employees of laws prohibiting sales of marijuana items to people who are under 21
(9)(a) anyone under 21 is not in violation of, & is immune from prosecution under this statute if:
(A) they contacted EMS or a LEA to obtain medical assistance for someone else who was in need of medical assistance because they had consumed a marijuana item & the evidence of violation of this statute was obtained as a result of the reporting party having contacted EMS of a LEA OR
(B) they were in need of medical assistance because they consumed a marijuana item and the evidence of violation of this statute was obtained as a result of them having sought or obtained the medical assistance.
(b) (a) doesn't exclude the use of evidence obtained as a result of a person's having sought medical assistance in the proceedings for other crimes or offenses besides this statute
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