ORS  Guide
Unlawful possession of phosphorus
ORS > Criminal Code > Precursor Substances > 475.969
(1) except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2), it's a violation of this statute if the suspect knowingly possesses any amount of phosphorus
(2) paragraph (1) doesn't apply to:
(a) someone conducting a licensed business that involves phosphorus in manufacturing:
(A) the striking surface used for lighting matches
(B) flame retardant polymers OR
(C) fireworks if the suspect possesses a federal license to manufacture explosives
(b) anyone who possesses phosphorus in conjunction with experiments conducted in a chemistry or chemistry related laboratory maintained by a:
(A) regularly established public or private secondary school OR
(B) public or private institution of higher education that is accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education;
(c) a retail distributor, wholesaler, manufacturer, warehouseman or common carrier or an agent of any of these persons, who possesses phosphorus in the regular course of lawful business activities
(d) the possession of phosphorus as a component of a commercially produced product including, but not limited to, matchbooks, fireworks & emergency flares OR
(e) anyone who possesses phosphorus in a chemical compound in the regular course of a lawful agricultural activity
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