ORS  Guide
Investigation conducted on school premises
ORS > Procedural Statutes > Juvenile Abuse > 419B.045
(1) DHS or a LEA has the authority to conduct an investigation, on school premises, of a report of child abuse
(2) when an investigation of a report of child abuse is conducted on school premises, the school administrator will first be notified that the investigation is to take place, unless the school administrator is a subject of the investigation
(3) DHS or the LEA conducting the investigation will present adequate identification to school staff members
(4) after DHS or the LEA presents adequate identification, school staff members will cooperate with the investigation by, at a minimum:
(a) allowing DHS or the LEA access to the child who is the suspected victim in the report of child abuse AND
(b) providing a private space in which to conduct an interview of the child
(5) DHS or the LEA conducting the investigation is not required to reveal information about the investigation to the school as a condition of conducting the investigation
(6) the school administrator or a school staff member designated by the administrator may, at the investigator’'s discretion, be present to facilitate the investigation.
(7) the investigator will be advised by a school administrator or a school staff member of the child’'s disabling conditions, if any, prior to any interview with the child
(8)(a) a school administrator or school staff member may not notify any person, including the child’'s parents or guardian, other than DHS or the LEA and any school employee necessary to enable the investigation, of an investigation described in this section and may not disclose any information obtained during an investigation.
(b) information obtained during an investigation is not part of the child’'s school records
(9) a school administrator or school staff member may testify at any subsequent court proceeding relating to the investigation and may be interviewed by the respective litigants prior to any court proceeding
(10) a school district, school administrator or school staff member may not be held liable for civil damages as a result of compliance with this statute
(11) this statute applies solely to an investigation that involves an interview of the suspected victim in the report of child abuse or witnesses and does not apply to an investigation or interview of a person who is suspected of having committed the abuse that is the subject of the report
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