ORS  Guide
Theft of services
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - Theft > 164.125
(1)(a) with intent to avoid payment, the suspect obtains for fee services by force, threat, deception or other means in order to avoid payment for the services OR
(b) having control over disposition of labor or business, commercial or industrial equipment/facilities of another, the suspect uses or diverts to their or a 3rd person such labor, equipment or facilities intending to derive for themselves or a 3rd person a commercial benefit to which they're not entitled
(2) services include: labor, professional services, toll facilities, transportation, communications service, entertainment, supplying of food, lodging or other accommodations, supplying equipment for use, & supplying commodities such as gas, electricity & water etc. Communication services include telephone, computer & cable TV, etc
(3) Evidence of intent:
• making off without paying or offering to pay for hotel, restaurant or other services where payment is normally made immediately is accepted evidence of intent to avoid payment
• obtaining use of any for fee communication system, including but not limited to telephone, computer & cable TV, or obtaining public utility type services, without paying or offering to pay is accepted evidence of intent to avoid payment
(4) value of single theft transactions may be added together if thefts committed against:
(a) multiple victims by similar means within 30 days OR
(b) same victim or 2 or more joint owners within 180 days
(5) if aggregate total value of stolen services:
(a) M(c): less than $100
(b) M(a): greater than $100 & less than $1,000
(c) F(c): greater than $1,000 & less than $10,000
(d) F(b): greater than or equal to $10,000
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