ORS  Guide
Custodial sexual misconduct 2
ORS > Criminal Code > Sex Crimes - General > 163.454
(1)(a) the suspect engages in sexual contact with the victim knowing the victim is:
(A) in the custody of a law enforcement agency following arrest
(B) confined or detained in a correctional facility;
(C) participating in an adult in custody or offender work crew or work release program OR
(D) on probation, parole, post-prison supervision or other form of conditional or supervised release AND
(b) the suspect is employed by or under contract with the state or local agency that:
(A) employs the officer who arrested the other person
(B) operates the correctional facility in which the victim is confined or detained;
(C) is responsible for supervising the victim in a work crew or work release program or on probation, parole, post-prison supervision or other form of conditional or supervised release OR
(D) engages the victim in work or on-the-job training per 421.354 (Authority of Oregon Corrections Enterprises)(1)
(2) consent of the victim to sexual contact is not a defense to a prosecution under this statute
(3) lack of supervisory authority over the victim is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under this section when the other person is on probation, parole, post-prison supervision or other form of conditional or supervised release
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