ORS  Guide
Arrest by peace officer
ORS > Procedural Statutes > Arrest & Detention > 133.235
(1) a peace officer may arrest a person for a crime at any hour of any day or night.
(2) a peace officer may arrest a person for a crime, per 133.310 (peace officer arrest authority without warrant) (1), regardless of if the crime was committed in the geographical area of the officer's employment, & the arrest may be made within the state regardless of where the offense was committed.
(3) the officer will inform arrestee of the officer's authority & reason for the arrest and if the arrest is under a warrant, will show the warrant unless the officer encounters physical resistance, flight or other factors rendering this procedure impracticable. In such a case, the arresting officer will inform the arrestee & show any warrant as soon as practicable
(5) a peace officer may enter premises in which the officer has PC to believe the person to be arrested to be present.
(6) if after giving notice of their, authority & purpose, the officer is not admitted, they may enter the premises, by breaking in, if necessary.
(7) a person may not be arrested for a violation except to the extent provided by 153.039 (stop & detention for violation) & 810.410 (arrest and citation)
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