ORS  Guide
Child care facility
any facility that provides child care to children, including a day nursery, nursery school, child care center, certified or registered family child care home or similar unit operating under any name, but not including any:

(a) Preschool recorded program.
(b) Facility providing care for (e) Residential facility licensed under <a href='https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_443.400'>443.400 (Definitions...)</a> to <a href='https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_443.455'>443.455 (Civil penalties)</a>
<span class='Bold'>(f)</span> Babysitters.
<span class='Bold'>(g)</span> Facility operated as a parent cooperative for no more than four hours a day
<span class='Bold'>(h)</span> Facility providing care while the child’s parent remains on the <a class='DefinitionLink' href='/php/definitionDisplay.php?cat=ORS&l=Premises'>premises</a> and is engaged in an activity offered by the facility or in other nonwork activity. (i) Facility operated as a school-age recorded program.
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