ORS  Guide
Property - Theft
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - Theft > 164.075
(1) the suspect compels or induces the victim to deliver property or services to the suspect or a 3rd party or not to report unlawful conduct to a LEA by instilling fear that the suspect or 3rd party will in the future:
(a) cause physical injury to a person or animal
(b) damage property
(c) commit a crime
(d) falsely accuse another of a crime
(e) falsely bring criminal charges
(f) cause or continue a strike, boycott or action to another's business
(g) give false or withhold testimony or information
(h) unlawfully use or abuse their or another's public servant position
Mail theft - Defense
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - Theft > 164.164
(1) in a prosecution under 164.162 (mail theft or receipt of stolen mail), it is a defense that the defendant acted under an honest claim of right in that:
(a) they were unaware that the property belonged to someone else
(b) they reasonably believed that they were entitled to the property involved or had a right to acquire or dispose of it as they did OR
(c) The property involved belonged to the defendant's spouse, unless the parties were not living together as spouses in a marriage & were living in separate homes at the time of the alleged offense
(2)(a) 164.162 (mail theft or receipt of stolen mail) doesn't apply to employees charged with the operation of facilities listed in (b) when the employees are carrying out their official duties to protect the safety & security of the facilities
(b) the facilities to which paragraph (a) of this subsection applies are:
• juvenile detention facilities
• local correctional facilities
• youth correction facilities
• detention facilities
Mail theft or receipt of stolen mail
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - Theft > 164.162
(1) the suspect intentionally:
(a) takes or, by fraud or deception, obtains mail from a post office, postal station, mail receptacle, authorized depository or mail carrier
(b) takes from mail any article contained therein
(c) secretes, embezzles or destroys mail or any article contained therein
(d) takes or, by fraud or deception, obtains mail that has been delivered to or left for collection on or adjacent to a mail receptacle or authorized depository OR
(e) buys, receives, conceals or possesses mail or any article contained therein knowing that the mail or article has been unlawfully taken or obtained
Organized retail theft
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - Theft > 166.098
(1) acting in concert with someone else:
(a) violates, aids or abets the other person to commit 164.015 (theft)
(c) aggregate value or merchandise taken within any ninety (90) day period > $5,000
+ Related statutes
Possession of burglary tool or theft device
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - Theft > 164.235
(a) intends to use the tool/device to commit or facilitate forcible entry into premises or to commit a theft by physical taking OR
(b) knows that another person intends to use the tool/device to commit (a)
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - Theft > 164.015
Theft - Defense
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - Theft > 164.035
(1) in a prosecution for theft it is a defense that the defendant acted under an honest claim of right that the defendant:
(a) was unaware that the property was that of another OR
(b) reasonably believed that they were entitled to the property involved or had a right to acquire or dispose of it as they did
(2) in a prosecution for extortion committed by instilling in the victim a fear that they or another person would be charged with a crime, it is a defense that the defendant reasonably believed the threatened charge to be true & that the sole purpose of the defendant was to compel or induce the victim to take reasonable action to make good the wrong which was the subject of the threatened charge
(3) in a prosecution for theft by receiving, it is a defense that the defendant received, retained, concealed or disposed of the property with the intent of restoring it to the owner
(4) it is a defense that the property involved was that of the defendant's spouse, unless the parties were not living together as spouses in a marriage & were living in separate abodes at the time of the alleged theft
Theft 1
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - Theft > 164.055
(1) the suspect commits 164.015 (theft) not by extortion, AND
(a) the property value is greater or equal to $1,000 [& less than $10,000 - see 164.057 (theft 1 - aggravated)] in a single or aggregate transaction
(b) the theft is committed during riot, fire, explosion, catastrophe or other emergency in an area affected by such
(c) 164.095 (theft by receiving) committed by buying, selling, borrowing or lending on security of the property;
(d) the stolen item is a firearm or explosive
(e) the stolen item is a livestock, companion animal, or wild animal removed from habitat (see 497.308(2)(c))
(f) the stolen item is a precursor substance
Theft 1 - aggravated
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - Theft > 164.057
Theft 2
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - Theft > 164.045
Theft 3
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - Theft > 164.043
Theft by deception
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - Theft > 164.085
(1) the suspect obtains the property of the victim with the intent to defraud them by:
(a) creating or confirming a false impression of the law, value, intention, or state of mind the suspect doesn't believe is true
(b) failing to correct a prior created/confirmed false impression
(c) preventing the victim from getting information pertinent to disposition of the involved property
(d) selling, transferring or encumbering property & failing to disclose a lien, adverse claim or other legal impediment to the enjoyment of property regardless of legitimacy
(e) promising performance that the suspect doesn't intend to perform or knows will not be performed
(2) 'Deception' doesn't include falsity about things having no monetary significance, or representations unlikely to deceive ordinary persons in addresses group. Note companion animals & wild animals have monetary significance
Theft by receiving
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - Theft > 164.095
(1) the suspect receives, keeps, conceals or disposes of another's property while knowing or having good reason to know that property was stolen
Theft of lost, mislaid property
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - Theft > 164.065
The suspect comes into control of another's property knowing or having good reason to know it's lost, mislaid, mistakenly delivered (type, amount, or quantity) & with intent to deprive owner, the suspect fails to take reasonable measures to return property to owner
Theft of services
ORS > Criminal Code > Property - Theft > 164.125
(1)(a) with intent to avoid payment, the suspect obtains for fee services by force, threat, deception or other means in order to avoid payment for the services OR
(b) having control over disposition of labor or business, commercial or industrial equipment/facilities of another, the suspect uses or diverts to their or a 3rd person such labor, equipment or facilities intending to derive for themselves or a 3rd person a commercial benefit to which they're not entitled
(2) services include: labor, professional services, toll facilities, transportation, communications service, entertainment, supplying of food, lodging or other accommodations, supplying equipment for use, & supplying commodities such as gas, electricity & water etc. Communication services include telephone, computer & cable TV, etc
(3) Evidence of intent:
• making off without paying or offering to pay for hotel, restaurant or other services where payment is normally made immediately is accepted evidence of intent to avoid payment
• obtaining use of any for fee communication system, including but not limited to telephone, computer & cable TV, or obtaining public utility type services, without paying or offering to pay is accepted evidence of intent to avoid payment
(4) value of single theft transactions may be added together if thefts committed against:
(a) multiple victims by similar means within 30 days OR
(b) same victim or 2 or more joint owners within 180 days
(5) if aggregate total value of stolen services:
(a) M(c): less than $100
(b) M(a): greater than $100 & less than $1,000
(c) F(c): greater than $1,000 & less than $10,000
(d) F(b): greater than or equal to $10,000
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