ORS  Guide
Disorderly Conduct & Public Nuisance
Abuse of a memorial to the dead
(1) anyone who:
(a) intentionally destroys, mutilates, defaces, injures or removes any:
(A) tomb, monument, gravestone or other structure or thing placed as or designed for a memorial to the dead OR
(B) fence, railing, curb or other thing intended for the protection or for the ornamentation of any structure or thing listed in (A)
(b) intentionally destroys, mutilates, removes, cuts, breaks or injures any tree, shrub or plant within any structure listed in (a) OR
(c) buys, sells or transports any object listed in (a) that was stolen from a historic cemetery knowing that the object is stolen
(4) this statute doesn't apply to a person who is the burial right owner or their representative, an heir at law of the deceased, or a person having care, custody or control of a cemetery by virtue of law, contract or other legal right, if the person is acting within the scope of their legal capacity & their actions have the effect of maintaining, protecting or improving the tomb, monument, gravestone or other structure or thing placed as or designed for a memorial to the dead
Abuse of venerated objects
Intentionally defaces, damages, defiles or otherwise physically mistreats in a manner likely to outrage public sensibilities a public monument or structure, place of worship or national or state flag
Creating a hazard
(1)(a) the suspect intentionally maintains or leaves in a place accessible to children a container with a compartment of more than one and a half cubic feet capacity & a door or lid which locks or fastens automatically when closed & which cannot easily be opened from the inside OR
(b) being the owner or otherwise having possession of property on which there is a well, cistern, cesspool, excavation or other hole of a depth of four (4) feet or more and a top width of twelve (12) inches or more, the owner intentionally fails or refuses to cover or fence it with a suitable protective construction
Cutting and transport of coniferous trees without permit or bill of sale
(1) it's unlawful for anyone to cut more than five (5) coniferous trees unless they have in their possession written permission to do so from the land owner from which the trees are cut. The written permit include:
(a) the permit date
(b) the name, address, telephone number & signature of the person granting the permit
(c) the name, address and telephone number of the person to whom the permit is granted
(d) the number of trees, by species, to be cut
(e) a description of the premises from which the trees are to be cut. The description may be by legal description or tax account number AND
(f) the permit expiration date
(2) it's unlawful for anyone to transport on Oregon highways more than five (5) coniferous trees without possessing a cutting permit as described in (1) or a document of title showing title thereto. A document of sale must be signed by the landowner, seller or donor, must include:
(a) the document date
(b) the name, address and telephone number of the seller or donor of the trees
(c) the name, address and telephone number of the purchaser or donee of the trees
(d) the number of trees, by species, sold or transferred by the permit or document of sale AND
(e) a description of the premises from which the trees were taken. The description may be by legal description, tax account number or other description clearly identifying the premises
(3) The provisions of (1) and (2) don't apply to:
(a) the transportation of trees in the course of transplantation, with their roots intact
(b) the cutting or transportation of coniferous trees by the owner or owner's agent of the land from where the trees were taken
(c) the transportation of coniferous trees by a common carrier or contract carrier
Depositing trash within 100 yards of waters or in waters
(1) it's illegal for anyone to discard any glass, cans or other trash, rubbish, debris or litter on land within 100 yds of any Oregon waters, other than in receptacles provided for the purpose of holding such trash, rubbish, debris or litter
(2) it's unlawful for any person to discard any glass, cans or other similar refuse in any Oregon waters
(5) a citation conforming to the requirements 133.066 will be used for all violations of (1) or (2)
Disorderly conduct 1
(1) M(a): with intent to cause public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or knowingly creating such a risk, the suspect initiates or circulates a report, knowing it to be false:
(a) concerning an alleged hazardous substance or an alleged or impending fire, explosion, catastrophe or other emergency AND
(b) stating that the hazardous substance, fire, explosion, catastrophe or other emergency is located in or upon a court facility or a public building
(2)(b) F(c): prior conviction for violation (1) above
+ Related statutes
Disorderly conduct 2
(1) M(b): with intent to cause public inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk:
(a) fights, engages in violent, tumultuous, or threatening behavior
(b) makes unreasonable noise
(c) disturbs lawful assembly
(d) obstructs pedestrians on a public way
(e) initiates or circulates a report knowing it to be false regarding an alleged or impending fire, explosion, crime, catastrophe, or emergency
(f) creates a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act they're not allowed to do
(2) M(a): committed within 200ft funeral service & knowing it is being conducted
Dog as public nuisance
(1) a dog's a public nuisance if it:
(a) chases people or vehicles on premises other than premises from which the dog's keeper may lawfully exclude others
(b) damages or destroys property of people other than the dog keeper's
(c) scatters garbage on premises other than premises from which the dog's keeper may lawfully exclude others
(d) trespasses on private property of people other than the dog keeper's
(e) disturbs any person by frequent or prolonged noises
(f) is a female in heat and running at large OR
(g) is a potentially dangerous d0g, but is not actually a dangerous dog
(2) the dog keeper in a county or city that is subject to 609.030 (Establishing dog control district) or 609.035 (Definitions) to 609.110 (Dog License Fund) maintains a public nuisance if the dog commits an act described under (1)
(3) a dog keeper maintains a public nuisance if they fail to comply with reasonable restrictions imposed under 609.990 (Penalties for ORS 609.060, 609.095, 609.098, 609.100, 609.169 and 609.405) or if they fail to provide acceptable proof of compliance to the court on or before the tenth (10th) day after issuance of the order imposing the restrictions. If the court finds the proof submitted by the keeper unacceptable, the court shall send notice of that finding to the keeper no later than five (5) days after the proof is received
(4) anyone who has cause to believe a keeper is maintaining a dog that is a public nuisance may complain, either orally or in writing, to the county or city. The receipt of any complaint is sufficient cause for the county or city to investigate the matter and determine whether the keeper of the dog is in violation of subsection (2) or (3) of this section
Endangering aircraft
(1) F(c): a person commits the crime of endangering aircraft in the 1st degree if they knowingly:
(a) throw an object at, or drop an object on, an aircraft
(b) discharge a bow & arrow, gun, airgun or firearm at or toward an aircraft
(c) tamper with an aircraft or a part, system, machine or substance used to operate an aircraft in such a manner as to impair the safety, efficiency or operation of an aircraft without the consent of the owner, operator or possessor of the aircraft OR
(d) place, set, arm or cause to be discharged a spring gun, trap, explosive device or explosive material with the intent of damaging, destroying or discouraging the operation of an aircraft
(2)(a) M(a): except as described in (b) below, a person commits the crime of endangering aircraft in the 2nd degree if they knowingly possess a firearm or deadly weapon in a restricted access area of a commercial service airport that has at least two (2) million passenger boardings per calendar year
(b) (a) above doesn't apply to a person authorized under federal law or an airport security program to possess a firearm or deadly weapon in a restricted access area
Impounding certain dogs
(1) A law enforcement officer or dog control officer may cite a keeper, impound a dog, or both if:
(a) The dog is found running at large in violation of ORS 609.060 (Notice of county prohibition on dogs running at large);
(b) The dog is a public nuisance as described by 609.095 (dog as public nuisance) OR
(c) The officer has probable cause to believe that the dog is a dangerous dog
See the full statute text for impoundment administrative details
Interference with agricultural operations
(1) except as provided in (3), if someone, while on the property of another person who is engaged in agricultural operations, intentionally or knowingly obstructs, impairs or hinders or attempts to obstruct, impair or hinder agricultural operations
(3) The provisions of (1) don't apply to:
(a) a person involved in a labor dispute as defined inOR
(b) a public employee performing official duties
Interference with agricultural research
(1) the suspect knowingly:
(a) damages any property at an agricultural research facility with the intent to damage or hinder agricultural research or experimentation
(b) obtains any property of an agricultural research facility with the intent to damage or hinder agricultural research or experimentation
(c) obtains access to an agricultural research facility by misrepresentation with the intent to perform acts that would damage or hinder agricultural research or experimentation
(d) enters an agricultural research facility with the intent to damage, alter, duplicate or obtain unauthorized possession of records, data, materials, equipment or specimens related to agricultural research or experimentation
(e) without the authorization of the agricultural research facility, obtains or exercises control over records, data, materials, equipment or specimens of the agricultural research facility with the intent to destroy or conceal the records, data, materials, equipment or specimens OR
(f) releases or steals an animal from, or causes the death, injury or loss of an animal at, an agricultural research facility
Interfering with public transportation
(1) the suspect:
(a) M(c): intentionally or knowingly enters or remains unlawfully in or on a public transit vehicle or public transit station. M(a): three (3) or more prior convictions for this paragraph
(b) M(a): intentionally or knowingly interferes with the provision or use of public transportation services by, among other things, interfering with the movement of, or access to, public transit vehicles
(c) M(a): While in or on a public transit vehicle or public transit station, engages in 166.025 (disorderly conduct 2)
(d) M(a): subjects a public transportation passenger, employee, agent or security officer or transit police officer to offensive physical contact
Maintaining dangerous dog
(2) M(a): it's a violation of this statute if the keeper of a dog, with criminal negligence, fails to prevent the dog from engaging in an act described in the definition of a dangerous dog
(3) as described in 609.990 (Penalties...):
F(c): if the dog kills a person
• violation of this statute will result in the court ordering the dangerous dog be killed in a humane manner
Offensive littering
(1) Creates objectionable stench or degrades the beauty or appearance, detracts from natural cleanliness or safety of property by intentionally:
(a) discarding/depositing rubbish, trash, debris or other refuse: on another's land without owner's permission; on any public way; in/on public transportation facility
(b) draining, causing/allowing drainage of: cesspool, septic tank, recreational vehicle/camper waste tank or other contaminated source, on another's land without owner's permission or on public way
(c) permitting rubbish/debris to be thrown from a vehicle they're operating. Hire service & school buses drivers are exempted
Placing offensive substances in waters, on highways or other property
(1)(a) it's illegal for anyone, including someone in possession or control of any land, to discard any dead animal carcass or body part, excrement, putrid, nauseous, noisome, decaying, deleterious or offensive substance into or in any other way befoul, pollute or impair the quality of any spring, river, brook, creek, branch, well, irrigation drainage ditch, irrigation ditch, cistern or pond of water
(b)(A) in a prosecution under this statute, it's a defense that:
(i) the dead animal carcass that is discarded is a fish carcass
(ii) the subject returned the fish carcass to the water
(iii) the subject retained proof of compliance with any provisions regarding angling prescribed by the State Fish and Wildlife Commission pursuant to 496.162 (establishing seasons, amounts & manner of taking wildlife)
(B) fish carcass means entrails, gills, head, skin, fins and backbone
(2) . it's illegal:
• for anyone to place or cause to be placed any polluting substance listed in (1) into any road, street, alley, lane, railroad right of way, lot, field, meadow or common
• for an owner of the above property to knowingly permit any polluting substances to remain in any of the places described above to the injury of the health or to the annoyance of any citizen of Oregon
every 24 hours after conviction for a violation of this subsection during which the violator permits the polluting substances to remain is an additional offense against this subsection.
(3) Nothing in this statute will apply to the storage or spreading of manure or similar substance for agricultural, silvicultural or horticultural purposes, except that no sewage sludge, septic tank or cesspool pumping will be used for these purposes unless treated & applied in a manner approved by the Department of Environmental Quality
(1) if while participating with five or more other persons someone engages in tumultuous & violent conduct & thereby intentionally or recklessly creates a grave risk of causing public alarm
Setting fires adjacent to structures or timber on ocean shore prohibited
no one will set or permit any fire on the Pacific Ocean shore, declared to be a state recreation area under 390.615 (Ownership of Pacific shore), adjacent to any structure or any timber or forest area except pursuant to rule, regulation or permit of or from the State Parks and Recreation Department
+ Related statutes
Throwing an object off an overpass 1
(1) it's a violation of this statute if the suspect:
(a) recklessly throws an object off an overpass AND
(b) knows, or reasonably should have known, that the object was of a type or size to cause damage to any person or vehicle that the object might hit
Throwing an object off an overpass 2
(1) it's a violation of this statute if the suspect:
(a) with criminal negligence throws an object off an overpass AND
(b) knows, or reasonably should have known, that the object was of a type or size to cause damage to any person or vehicle that the object might hit
Throwing away of lighted matches, cigarettes & other materials prohibited
no one will, at any time, throw away any lighted tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, matches or other lighted material, on any forestland, private road, public highway or railroad right of way within this state. Everyone operating a public conveyance will post a copy of this section in a conspicuous place within the smoking compartments of such conveyance
Unlawfully transporting metal property
(1) the suspect transports metal property on a public highway or on premises open to the public with the intent to deliver it to a scrap metal business & doesn't have a metal transportation certificate in their possession
(2) a seller or transferor of metal property having reason to believe that a buyer or transferee intends to obtain the metal property for delivery to a scrap metal business will provide them with a metal transportation certificate
(3) a metal transportation certificate must include:
(a) the date the metal property was acquired & the amount & type of metal property that the person is transporting
(b) the location where the metal property was loaded & the destination of the metal property
(c) the name, address & telephone number of the seller or the transferor
(d) the signature of the seller or transferor or their authorized agent AND
(e) the name, address and telephone number of the person transporting the metal property
(4) the Department of State Police will create a form that may serve as a metal transportation certificate and will make the form available on the department's website
(5) it's a defense to a charge under this statute that the person transporting the metal property is the property owner or an agent or employee of the property owner
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