ORS  Guide
Livestock Kills
Harboring of livestock killing dogs prohibited
DCC > Deschutes County > Livestock Kills > 6.12.040
(A) no one wil own, harbor, or keep any dog knowing that it has killed or wounded any livestock except as permitted by the Board, a court of competent jurisdiction, or pursuant to adoption or relocation of the dog as approved by the County or its designee
(B) Regardless of (A) no one will be liable for harboring or keeping such a dog with the knowledge that it has killed or wounded domesticated fowl, unless the owner fails to pay full damages for the domesticated fowl killed or wounded within three (3) days after receipt of a demand for such damages from the owner
Killing, wounding or injuring livestock; Disputable presumption
DCC > Deschutes County > Livestock Kills > 6.12.070
disputable presumption that a dog has been engaged in killing, wounding, injuring or chasing livestock within the meaning of 6.12.050 (killing, wounding or injuring livestock; evidence) will arise if
(A) the dog is found chasing livestock not the property of the dog's owner or keeper in an area where freshly damaged livestock are found
(B) the dog is found feeding on a warm carcass of a livestock animal
(C) an examination of the dog's feces indicates ingestion of portions or covering of the anatomy of livestock OR*
(D) portions of the anatomy or covering of the anatomy of livestock is found on dog's teeth, unless the dog is regularly used for the purpose of herding sheep
Killing, wounding or injuring livestock; Evidence
DCC > Deschutes County > Livestock Kills > 6.12.050
(A) on observing a dog engaged in killing, wounding, injuring or chasing livestock or after receiving a written complaint supported by evidence that a dog was so engaged receipt from a complainant, the dog control officer or other law enforcement officer will impound the dog
(1) the written complaint referenced (A) will be made on a form prepared by the Deschutes County Sheriffs Office
(2) the form shall clearly state that
(a) the complainant makes a declaration of the truth of the statements contained in the complaint AND
(b) if the dog is ultimately determined to have not engaged in chasing, killing, injuring or wounding livestock, the complainant may be liable for the impoundment fee and/or the costs of keeping and testing the dog pursuant to 6.l2.060(B)
(B) if there's reason to believe that reasonable testing of a dog impounded per (A) - including, but not limited to, a fecal examination or examination of the dog's teeth - will provide further substantial evidence determining if the dog engaged in killing, wounding, injuring or chasing livestock, then the County may order administration of tests by a licensed veterinarian
(C) the decision whether to order any such testing will be wholly within the discretion of the County, and the County's failure to order such testing will not be considered as evidence by the Board
Killing, wounding or injuring livestock; Nuisance
DCC > Deschutes County > Livestock Kills > 6.12.030
(A) except as provided in (C), if any licensed or unlicensed dog while off of its owner's or keeper's premises kills, wounds, or injures any livestock not belonging to its owner or keeper, then it is a public nuisance & may be killed immediately by anyone. However, nothing in this ordinance applies to any dog acting under the direction of its owner or keeper, or their agents or employees
(B) if any dog, not under the control of its owner or keeper, is found feeding on the warm carcass of livestock not the property of the dog's owner or keeper it shall be deemed sufficient evidence, as engaging in killing, wounding or injuring livestock for purposes of this ordinance
(C) no person will kill any dog for killing, wounding or chasing chickens in a public place, highway or within the corporate limits of any city
Owner of livestock; Damage claims
DCC > Deschutes County > Livestock Kills > 6.12.080
(A) the owner of any livestock killed, wounded, chased or injured by any dog may, within ten (10) days after the event occurred, or became known to him, present to the Board a verified statement containing a full account of the incident, stating in detail the amount of damage claimed on account of the event, and if known, the name and address of the owner or keeper of the dog responsible for the event
(B) the livestock owner's claim will be supported by the affidavit of at least one disinterested person to all material facts contained in it. The affidavit will be submitted to the Board at the same time as the verified statement
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