ORS  Guide
Animal Impoundment
Care of dogs of inmates at county correctional facility
DCC > Deschutes County > Animal Impoundment > 6.16.040
(A) animals delivered for impoundment by a county peace officer who removed the animal from the possession of a person in their custody will be held for the period prescribed in 6.16.010 (impoundment; facilities), during this time the inmate must either make arrangements for the animal to be picked up at the shelter or make arrangements for payment of impoundment fees for the animal. Signature by an inmate of an agreement to be responsible for impoundment fees shall be an acceptable method of assuring payment of such fees
(B) areceipt will be given to the peace officer, who will deliver the receipt to the person in custody from whom the animal was taken. The receipt will recite redemption requirements & will serve as the notice required by this statute At that time, the inmate will also be given the option of releasing the dog
Impoundment; Facilities
DCC > Deschutes County > Animal Impoundment > 6.16.010
All dogs taken up & impounded under DCC Title 6 Animal Control statutes wil be held in an adequate & sanitary facility as required by the laws of the state. Any such impounded dog will be held for at least five (5) days from the date of the impounding before being destroyed or otherwise disposed of. However, in the case of any dog impounded for biting a person, the dog shall be impounded for at least ten (10) days before redemption or destruction to determine if the dog is rabid
Impoundment; Fees
DCC > Deschutes County > Animal Impoundment > 6.16.030
The owner of any dog that is impounded under DCC Title 6 will be liable to the County for impoundment fees in the amounts as determined by the County
Impoundment; Notification to owner, disposition of Animals
DCC > Deschutes County > Animal Impoundment > 6.16.020
If a dog is impounded, the impounding officer wil make reasonable effort to identify the dog's owner & will notify them about the impounding & the alleged reasons for it. If the dog is unlicensed, or no owner can be determined within five (5) days from its impounding, it shall be killed in a humane manner. The provisions of this chapter are subject to, & superseded by, any existing & applicable state law providing for rabies control
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