Home > Opioid Overdose
- Signs of opioid overdose
- Not waking up or responding to voice or touch
- Very slow, irregular, or stopped breathing
- Pinpoint pupils
- Blue or purple finger nails and/or lips
- Slow heartbeat
- Weak pulse
- Low blood pressure
- Request code 3 medical
- Administer naloxone spray
- Lay subject on back
- Hold device w/thumb on bottom of plunger and two fingers on either side of the nozzle
- Tilt subject’s head back supporting neck by placing hand under neck
- Place tip of device nozzle in subject’s nostril until finger come in contact with bottom of the nose
- Press plunger firmly to administer dose
- Remove device from subject’s nose
- Place subject in rescue position
- It is possible to for the subject to wake up and become aggressive
- If subject doesn’t respond to voice or touch after two to three minutes
- Administer another dose of Naloxone in the subject’s other nostril
- Additional doses may be give every 2 to 3 minutes until subject responds or medics arrive on scene
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