ORS  Guide
DCC > Deschutes County > Hazardous Vegetative Fuels > 8.21.040
(A) For unprotected areas classified as "High" pursuant to 477.015 to 477.061 provide and maintain primary fuel breaks which comply with the requirements of 8.21.060 (fuel break requirements) immediately adjacent to structures, for a distance of at least 30 feet, or to the property line, whichever is the shorter distance. The distance will be measured along the slope and from the furthest extension of the structure, including attached carports, decks, or eaves.
(B) For unprotected areas classified as "Extreme" pursuant to 477.015 to 477.061 provide and maintain primary and immediately adjacent secondary fuel breaks which comply with the requirements of 8.21.060 (fuel break requirements) immediately adjacent to structures, for a distance of at least 50 feet, or to the property line, whichever is the shorter distance. The distance will be measured along the slope and from the furthest extension of the structure, including attached carports, decks, or eaves.
(C) For unprotected areas classified as “High Density Extreme” pursuant to 477.015 to 477.061, provide and maintain primary and adjacent secondary fuel breaks which comply with the requirements of 8.21.060 (fuel break requirements) immediately adjacent to structures, for a distance of at least 100 feet, or to the property line, whichever is the shorter distance. The distance will be measured along the slope and from the furthest extension of the structure, including attached carports, decks, or eaves.
(D) For unprotected areas classified as “High,” “Extreme,” and “High Density Extreme” pursuant to 477.015 to 477.061, provide primary and adjacent secondary fuel breaks which comply with the requirements of 8.21.060 (fuel break requirements) for the following areas:
(1) For driveways that are longer than 150 feet immediately adjacent to driveways, for a distance of at least 10 feet on each side of the centerline of the driveway, or to the property line, whichever is the shorter distance. The distance will be measured along the slope. Including the driving surface, a fuel break will result in an open area which is not less than 13 1/2 feet in height and 12 feet in width or to the property line, whichever is the shorter distance.
(2) Adjacent to structures:
(a) Remove any portion of a tree which extends to within 10 feet of the outlet of a structure chimney or a stove pipe.
(b) Maintain the portion of any tree which overhangs a structure by removing substantially dead plant material.
(c) Maintain the area under decks substantially free of firewood, stored flammable building material, leaves, needles, and other flammable material.
(d) During times of the year when wildfire may be a threat, locate firewood, flammable building material, and other similar flammable material at least 20 feet away from a structure or in a fully enclosed space.
(3) On vacant lands less than five acres in size, the landowner shall provide fuel breaks which comply with the requirements of DCC 8.21.060 and which are immediately adjacent to all:
(a) Property lines, for a distance of at least twenty (20) feet or to the nearest adjacent property line, whichever is the shorter distance. The distance shall be measured along the slope; and
(b) Roads, for a distance of at least thirty (30) feet from the center of a road, or to the nearest adjacent property line, whichever is the shorter distance. The distance shall be measured along the slope.
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