ORS  Guide
Investigation of report involving school
ORS > Procedural Statutes > Juvenile Abuse > 419B.019
(2) a LEA or the DHS must conduct an investigation per 419B.020 (duty of dhs or law enforcement agency receiving report) if either receives a report of abuse involving a child & somone who is a school employee, contractor, agent or volunteer.
(3) [Cross reporting]

A LEA must notify DHS per 419B.015 (report form and content) if it receives a report described in paragraph (2).

DHS will notify a LEA per 419B.015 (report form and content) if it receives a report described in paragraph (2). DHS will ensure that an investigation related to the report is conducted if the report is not investigated by a LEA.
(4)(a) within three (3) business days of receiving a report or notification of a report described in paragraph (2), DHS will notify:
(A) the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission, if DHS believes the school employee, contractor, agent or volunteer is licensed or registered by the commission OR
(B) the Department of Education, if DHS believes the report of suspected abuse:
(i) occurred in a school or was related to a OR
(ii) involves a child and a person who is a school employee, contractor, agent or volunteer
(b) For the purpose of notification made under this paragraph, DHS may not disclose the name and address of, and other identifying information about, the person who made the report, but DHS will make available any information necessary to ensure the safety of the child, including the name of the school and the name of the person who may have conducted the suspected abuse. Any person or entity to whom notification is made under this paragraph may not release any information not authorized by this paragraph.
(c) when the Department of Education receives notification under this paragraph, it will immediately notify the appropriate education providers to ensure the safety of the child
(5) DHS may adopt any rules necessary for the administration of this statute
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