ORS  Guide
Interference with agricultural research
(1) the suspect knowingly:
(a) damages any property at an agricultural research facility with the intent to damage or hinder agricultural research or experimentation
(b) obtains any property of an agricultural research facility with the intent to damage or hinder agricultural research or experimentation
(c) obtains access to an agricultural research facility by misrepresentation with the intent to perform acts that would damage or hinder agricultural research or experimentation
(d) enters an agricultural research facility with the intent to damage, alter, duplicate or obtain unauthorized possession of records, data, materials, equipment or specimens related to agricultural research or experimentation
(e) without the authorization of the agricultural research facility, obtains or exercises control over records, data, materials, equipment or specimens of the agricultural research facility with the intent to destroy or conceal the records, data, materials, equipment or specimens OR
(f) releases or steals an animal from, or causes the death, injury or loss of an animal at, an agricultural research facility
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