ORS  Guide
Endangering aircraft
(1) F(c): a person commits the crime of endangering aircraft in the 1st degree if they knowingly:
(a) throw an object at, or drop an object on, an aircraft
(b) discharge a bow & arrow, gun, airgun or firearm at or toward an aircraft
(c) tamper with an aircraft or a part, system, machine or substance used to operate an aircraft in such a manner as to impair the safety, efficiency or operation of an aircraft without the consent of the owner, operator or possessor of the aircraft OR
(d) place, set, arm or cause to be discharged a spring gun, trap, explosive device or explosive material with the intent of damaging, destroying or discouraging the operation of an aircraft
(2)(a) M(a): except as described in (b) below, a person commits the crime of endangering aircraft in the 2nd degree if they knowingly possess a firearm or deadly weapon in a restricted access area of a commercial service airport that has at least two (2) million passenger boardings per calendar year
(b) (a) above doesn't apply to a person authorized under federal law or an airport security program to possess a firearm or deadly weapon in a restricted access area
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