ORS  Guide
Buying or selling a person under 18
ORS > Criminal Code > Children & Minors (Non-sex) > 163.537
(1) the suspect buys, sells, barters, trades or offers to buy or sell the legal or physical custody of a person under 18
(2) (1) doesn't:
(a) prohibit someone in the process of adopting a child from paying the fees, costs and expenses related to the adoption as allowed in109.311 (Financial disclosure statement to be filed with petition)
(b) prohibit a negotiated satisfaction of child support back payment or other settlement in favor of a child's parent in exchange for the parent's consent to the adoption of the child by the current spouse of the child's other parent.
(c) apply to fees for services charged by the DHS or adoption agencies licensed under 412.001 (Definitions) to 412.161 (Policy on two-parent families), 412.991 (Criminal penalties) & ORS chapter 418
(d) apply to fees for services in an adoption pursuant to a surrogacy agreement
(e) prohibit discussion or settlement of disputed issues between parties in a domestic relations proceeding.
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