ORS  Guide
Unlawfully being in a location where children regularly congregate
ORS > Criminal Code > Children & Minors (Non-sex) > 163.476
(1) the suspect
(a)(A) has been designated a sexually violent dangerous offender
(B) has been classified as a level three sex offender under 163A.100(3) (risk assessment methodology) or is an unclassified adult sex offender designated as predatory prior to January 1, 2014, & doesn't have written approval from the State Board of Parole & Post-Prison Supervision or their supervisory authority or supervising officer to be in or on the specific premises
(C) has been sentenced as a dangerous offender under 161.725@|161.725 (Standards for sentencing of dangerous offenders) on conviction of a sex crime OR
(D) has been given a similar designation or been sentenced under a similar law of another jurisdiction AND
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