ORS  Guide
Deaths requiring investigation
ORS > Procedural Statutes > General Criminal Matters > 146.090
(1) the medical examiner shall investigate and certify the cause and manner of all human deaths:
(a) apparently homicidal, suicidal or occurring under suspicious or unknown circumstances
(b) resulting from the unlawful use of controlled substances or the use or abuse of chemicals or toxic agents
(c) occurring while incarcerated in any jail, correction facility or in police custody
(d) apparently accidental or following an injury
(e) by disease, injury or toxic agent during or arising from employment
(f) while not under the care of a physician during the period immediately previous to death
(g) related to disease which might constitute a threat to the public health OR
(h) in which a human body apparently has been disposed of in an offensive manner
(2) as used in this statute, 'offensive manner' means a manner offensive to the generally accepted standards of the community
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