ORS  Guide
Unreasonable loud or raucous noise
(A) motor vehicle noise that's louder or heard for longer than the noise produced by use in direct transportation by motor vehicles with manufacturer supplied mufflers; AND the noise disturbs, injures or endangers the comfort, rest, health, peace or safety of people >= 30ft away AND the noise is not emitted to make the motor vehicle move up to the maximum speed limit on public streets, roads, and/or highways for the purpose of direct transportation OR
(B) noise, which violates the standards of the Environmental Quality Commission, adopted pursuant to ORS 467.030 (adoption of noise control rules, levels and standards) which are not exempt under ORS 467.035 (determination of exempt noise emission sources) or permitted by a variance issued under ORS 467.060 (powers of Environmental Quality Commission)
(C) the sounding of any horn or signaling device on any automobile, motorcycle, bus or other vehicle except as a reasonable signal required by the exigencies of vehicular or pedestrian traffic; the creation by means of any such signaling device of any sound which disturbs the sleep, peace, quiet, comfort or rest of other people; the sounding of any such device for an unnecessary or unreasonable period of time
(D) playing, using or operating of any radio, musical instrument, record player, TV set, tape recorder or other machine or device for producing or reproducing of sound in such a way as to disturb the sleep, peace, quiet, comfort or rest of other people, or at any time with louder volume than is necessary for convenient hearing by the people who are in the room, vehicle or chamber in which the machine or device is operated and any others who are voluntary listeners in those locations. The operation of any such machine or device in such a manner so as to be plainly audible to a peace officer at a distance of 50ft from the building, room, structure or vehicle in which it is located shall be self-evident proof of a violation of this statute
(E) using, operating or permitting to be used or operated any mechanical or electrical loudspeaker or sound amplifier, either stationary or mobile, for producing or reproducing sound which is broadcast on public streets or other public property. This statute doesn't prohibit the reasonable use of mechanical loudspeakers or sound amplifiers in the course of noncommercial public addresses or emergency announcements required by public safety; provided that repetitive mechanically or electrically amplified political advertising is not allowed in zoned residential neighborhoods between 10pm & 7am if it disturbs the sleep, peace, quiet, comfort or rest of people > 30ft away
(F) yelling, shouting, hooting, whistling or singing on public streets, between 10pm & 7am or at any time or place that it disturbs the sleep, peace, comfort or rest of people > 30ft away. This statute doesn't apply to applause and cheering at public meetings, lectures, sports events and shows held at schools, stadiums, auditoriums, churches, meeting halls, public parks and public playgrounds
(G) blowing any steam whistle attached to any stationary boiler, except to give notice of the time to begin or stop work, as a warning of fire or danger, or on request of proper authorities;
(H) discharging into the open air any steam engine, stationary internal combustion engine, motor boat or motor vehicle exhaust except through a muffler or other device which effectively prevents loud or explosive noises coming from the object
(I) use of any automobile, motorcycle or other vehicle so out of repair, so loaded, or in such a way that it disturbs the sleep, peace, quiet, comfort or rest of people > 30ft away
(J) loading or unloading any vehicle or opening, closing or destruction of bales, boxes, crates and containers, that it disturbs the sleep, peace, quiet, comfort or rest of people > 30ft away
(K) construction including excavation, demolition, alteration or repair of any building, street, sidewalk, driveway, sewer or utility line between10pm & 7am, except as provided in 8.08.080 (permits; issuance)
(L) creating any sound on any street adjacent to any school, institution of learning, church or court, while they're in use, or adjacent to any hospital, nursing home or other institution for the care of the sick or infirm, which would tend to unreasonably interfere with its operation or if disturbing the sleep, peace, quiet, comfort or rest of people > 30ft away. Adjacent means <= 500ft of any of institutional building;
((M) operating any pile driver, earthmoving equipment, pneumatic hammer, derrick, steam or electric hoist or other appliance or machinery between 10pm & 7am which creates a sound which disturbs the sleep, peace, quiet, comfort or rest of people > 30ft away;
(N) using an off-road motorcycle or snowmobile where it is heard by the occupant from the premises of an inhabited residence not owned by the user. If the user has a permit issued under (B) above, they may operate the motorcycle or snowmobile within the terms of the permit
(O) operating any blower, power fan, internal combustion engine, electric motor or compressor, or the compression of air, unless the sound from each machine is sufficiently muffled so as not to disturb the sleep, peace, quiet, comfort or rest of people > 30ft away
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