ORS  Guide
Open Burning
Burning permits; Conditions
DCC > Deschutes County > Open Burning > 8.20.020
Regardless of 8.20.010 (open burning prohibited; when), burning permits may be issued by the County Commissioners, or their designee or designees, if all three (3) of the following conditions are met:
(A) Evidence is presented that the material must be disposed of prior to November 1st, and that no satisfactory alternative to burning is available;
(B) Appropriate fire-control measures are provided by the permittee as specified by the burning permit to prevent unwanted spread of the fire;
(C) The appropriate permit is obtained from the State Department of Environmental Quality, if under their jurisdiction.
Open burning prohibited; When
DCC > Deschutes County > Open Burning > 8.20.010
(A) No one, outside the boundaries of a rural fire protection district or a forest protection district, will cause or permit to be initiated or maintained on his own property, or cause to be initiated or maintained on the property of another any open burning of commercial waste, demolition material, domestic waste, industrial waste, land clearing debris or field burning from June 1st through November 1st of each year ("burn restricted season") unless weather conditions require prohibition of burning prior to June 1, or allow resumption of burning prior to November 1, as determined by the County Fire Defense Board
(B) During the burn restricted season the County Fire Defense Board or the Board of a Rural Fire District may authorize open burning, provided persons who property lies outside the boundaries of either a rural fire protection district or a city contact in advance the nearest Rural Fire District 24-hour burn notification phone number and verify whether open burning is allowed on a particular day, that the person complies with the limitations of such allowed burning and possess a copy of the current open burning requirements issued by the County Fire Defense Board or Rural Fire District.
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