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Encounter Flowchart

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Consensual Encounters

  • Conduct yourself as you would when conversing with a stranger if you were off duty.
  • Respect the right of a subject not to speak or engage with you.
  • Respect the right of the subject to leave at any point.
  • Always use a calm and respectful tone when speaking to the subject regardless of how they speak to you.
  • Answer in affirmative if asked by the subject if they are free to go.
  • Answer in the negative if the subject asks if they are being detained.
  • In a non-commanding manner ask the subject for identification if the situation merits it
  • Respect the right of the subject not to provide you with identification.
  • If the subject elects to provide you with identification, do not hold onto the identification but return it as soon as possible.
  • In a non-commanding manner ask questions that may help with criminal intelligence and fill out a field interview card if the situation and subject merits it.
  • Issue commands. For example: ‘Stop right now! I want to talk to you’.
  • Wave or gesture for the citizen to come to you
  • Use threatening or intimidating language.
  • Place or keep your hand on your service weapon.
  • Surround the subject with multiple officers or canines.
  • Infringe on the subject’s personal space or otherwise act intimidatingly.
  • Position your vehicle such that the subject may feel they are being detained or arrested.
  • Use red and blue lights or sirens when approaching with your vehicle or stopping the subject.
  • Use any kind of restraint on the subject.
  • Perform a pat-down or any kind of non-consensual search of the subject.
  • Remove the subject from the location at which you started the encounter.
  • Do anything that may cause a reasonable person to believe that they are being detained or are under arrest!

Investigative Detentions

  • Respect the right of a suspect not to speak or engage with you.
  • Always use a calm and respectful tone when speaking to the suspect regardless of how they speak to you.
  • Answer in affirmative if asked by the suspect if they are being detained.
  • Answer in the negative if the suspect asks if they are being arrested.
  • Conduct a pat-down if you have reasonable articulable suspicion that the suspect is armed
  • If conducting a pat-down do remove objects that you reasonably believe based on your experience are contraband.
  • If force is needed, use the minimal amount of force necessary to detain the suspect and/or perform a pat-down for weapons.
  • Ask questions that may help with criminal intelligence and fill out a field interview card
  • Pat-down the suspect unless you have reasonable, articulable suspicion that the suspect is armed or an immediate danger
  • If conducting a pat-down do not remove objects that you don’t reasonably believe based on your experience are contraband
  • Perform a full search of the suspect’s clothes and possessions
  • Keep your hand on your service weapons when interviewing the suspect
  • Surround the suspect with multiple officers or canines
  • Infringe on the suspects personal space or otherwise act intimidatingly
  • Use force unless the suspect refuses to submit to detention or a legitimate pat-down for weapons
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