Home > DMV Flags
A "Flag" is an indicator that is placed on a vehicle record to indicate that some action has been, or needs to be, taken. Some flags are for information only, while other flags will not allow certain transactions to be processed.
Flag 2 - Title cancelled
The current title has been cancelled. The registration is not cancelled but cannot be renewed until the title cancellation has been resolved. Look-up must be done at DMV HQ to explain the reason the title was cancelled. Call (503) 945-5000 for additional information
Flag 6 - Title returned unclaimed
A title was returned to DMV HQ unclaimed (wrong address, etc…)
Flag 7 - Plates/Stickers return unclaimed
Plates/stickers returned to DMV HQ unclaimed (wrong address, etc…)
Flag 8 - Sold to a dismantler
The vehicle was sold to a dismantler and notice was given to DMV under ORS 819.215 or 819.280. The vehicle cannot be title or registered again. DMV cannot accept a title or registration application
Flag 9 - Vehicle wrecked
DMV has received some type of notification that the vehicle may have been damages. Look-up must be done
Flag 10 - Dealer stock
A dealer has notified DMV they have purchased this vehicle. The transaction must include a release of interest from the dealer on our record
Flag 11 - Sold
DMV has received only information that the vehicle has been sold, or only an incomplete buyers name (See Flag 49)
Flag 12 - Administrative review notification
An administrative flag used for various reasons such as when law enforcement is actively pursuing an investigation or DMV has been restrained from transferring title by court order
Flag 13 - NSF check
DMV received a check for a transaction that was returned to ODOT Financial Services for insufficient funds.
Flag 15 - Totalled vehicle
Ownership document has NOT been surrendered. Examples: notice from an insurer that the vehicle is totalled; or notice from vehicle owner the vehicle is totalled due to damage
Flag 16 - Surrendered plates/stickers
Indicates when plates have been surrendered.
Flag 17 - Earned fee
DMV had documents that were not processed for lack of proper information. The unprocessed documents may have a bearing on any new transactions. The documents are microfilmed. Look-up must be done.
Flag 18 - Vehicle wrecked
Ownership document has been surrendered to DMV with a notice from an insurer, owner, or other person that the vehicle was wrecked, destroyed, disassembled or substantially altered or destroyed or totaled per ORS 819; or Notice of Vehicle to be Dismantled/Proof of Compliance, Form 6017.
Flag 19 - Vehicle wrecked or abandoned
Ownership document has not been received. Vehicle must be retitled as an assembled, reconstructed or replica vehicle. Example of documents received: any statement such as a copy of the title or insurance bill of sale that indicates the vehicle was wrecked, dismantled, or substantially altered, destroyed or totaled per ORS 819; or an indication the vehicle was sold under ORS 819.
Flag 20 - Title canceled by another state
The Oregon title has been cancelled because it was surrendered to another state and returned to DMV headquarters. The name of the issuing state is displayed in the flag message field.
Flag 21 - Registered/Titled in another state
Notification has been received from another state that the vehicle has either been registered or titled in that state and the Oregon title has not been returned for cancellation; however, the information received is not clear which.
Flag 22 - Issued in error
The current title was processed but not mailed due to incomplete information. The information displayed may not be accurate and usually a pending case has been set up in DMV headquarters.
Flag 23 - Suspended vehicle registration
Indicates that the vehicle registration is suspended due to court action. This flag does not affect the status of the driver.
Flag 24 - Possible incorrect VIN or other vehicle discrepancy
There may be an error in the VIN, make, and year or body style for the vehicle. DMV may also have received a teletype or other indication from law enforcement of an error in the VIN, or DMV received a call from an owner that there may be an error. The flag serves as an indicator that DMV may have new information. Call (503) 945-5000 for additional information.
Flag 25 - Title returned
TheOregon title has been returned to DMV for unknown reasons. Look-up must be done.
Flag 27 - Registration canceled
Microfilm look-up is necessary to determine the reason why the registration was canceled and the requirements that must be met before issuing new registration.
Flag 28 - Elected official
Record indicates elected official plate issued to elected official. Elected officials may have elected official plates assigned to their vehicle in addition to regular series plates. They may display either set of plates. The elected official plate record is a dummy record that references the regular plate record of the vehicle. The flag is used to assure no renewal reminder, etc., is produced.
Flag 29 - Totalled vehicle
Primary ownership document has been surrendered to DMV. Examples: notice from an insurer that the vehicle is totaled, or notice from the owner that the vehicle is totalled due to damage.
Flag 30 - TOD
DMV has a transitional ownership document on file for the vehicle.
Flag 31 - Vehicle not compliant with LEV requirement
The vehicle did not prove compliance with the low emission vehicle requirement. Title only was issued. DMV may not issue registration unless the vehicle proves compliance, or is now not subject to the LEV requirement, or an exemption is certified on a Declaration of Exemption from the Oregon Low Emission Vehicle Requirement (LEV),
Flag 35 - Vehicle in a dismantler’s stock
Indicates a dismantler has sold the vehicle to another dismantler. Flag is added when a copy of the Dismantler’s Vehicle Notice to Driver and Motor Vehicle Services, Form 270, is received and a Flag 38 is already on the vehicle record. The vehicle cannot be titled or registered again. DMV cannot accept a title or registration application.
Flag 37 - Names may not match on title
The record has been corrected to show true name therefore, the name(s) on the record and the name(s) on the title may vary slightly.
Flag 38 - Vehicle in a dismantler’s stock
Flag is added when a Dismantler’s Vehicle Notice to Driver and Motor Vehicle Services, Form 270, is received along with the ownership document. The dismantler’s identification number is in the message field. The vehicle cannot be titled or registered again. DMV cannot accept a title or registration application.
Flag 40 - Litigation hold flag
Added to a record when DMV is legally restricted from purging or destroying any data associated with this record.
Flag 41 - Farm plates/registration cancelled
Farm plates for the vehicle or the farm registration itself has been cancelled.
Flag 42 - Farm Certification Application required
The owner needs to complete a Farm Certification Application, Form 9670.
Flag 44 - Incomplete farm certification
Incomplete farm certification received by DMV.
Flag 46 - Registration canceled
Registration canceled due to DMV being notified by someone that their address is being used without their permission by another person.
Flag 48 - Vehicle unfit for use
Law enforcement has determined that the vehicle is unfit for use. The vehicle was used in illegal drug manufacturing and/or as a storage site. These vehicles are declared unfit until a Certificate of Fitness has been issued by the Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division.
Flag 49 - Vehicle sold, buyers name on file
DMV has received at least the buyer name (either the first and last name, or a partial name along with additional information such as an address or telephone number). This flag does not constitute a release or an assignment of interest. (See also Flag 11)
Flag 51 - Off-road use only
Vehicle was manufactured for off-road use only and is not eligible for registration through DMV.
Flag 52 - Fuels tax lien
Fuels tax is owed to ODOT Fuels Tax Group. MCTD Fuels Tax Group has placed a lien on the vehicle for unpaid fuels taxes. This lien takes precedence over all other liens and encumbrances. No title transfers may take place until the Fuels Tax Group notifies DMV that the lien has been satisfied.
Flag 53 - Non-conforming VIN has been verified
Placed on record when the verified VIN does not conform to the 17-digit rule. Used only for passenger, motorcycle, truck, bus, and motor home vehicles with a year model 1981 or newer.
Flag 55 - Exported Vehicle Flag
DMV has confirmed that fraud has occurred and the vehicle was exported out of the country.
Source document at www.oregon.gov
Flag 2 - Title cancelled
The current title has been cancelled. The registration is not cancelled but cannot be renewed until the title cancellation has been resolved. Look-up must be done at DMV HQ to explain the reason the title was cancelled. Call (503) 945-5000 for additional information
Flag 6 - Title returned unclaimed
A title was returned to DMV HQ unclaimed (wrong address, etc…)
Flag 7 - Plates/Stickers return unclaimed
Plates/stickers returned to DMV HQ unclaimed (wrong address, etc…)
Flag 8 - Sold to a dismantler
The vehicle was sold to a dismantler and notice was given to DMV under ORS 819.215 or 819.280. The vehicle cannot be title or registered again. DMV cannot accept a title or registration application
Flag 9 - Vehicle wrecked
DMV has received some type of notification that the vehicle may have been damages. Look-up must be done
Flag 10 - Dealer stock
A dealer has notified DMV they have purchased this vehicle. The transaction must include a release of interest from the dealer on our record
Flag 11 - Sold
DMV has received only information that the vehicle has been sold, or only an incomplete buyers name (See Flag 49)
Flag 12 - Administrative review notification
An administrative flag used for various reasons such as when law enforcement is actively pursuing an investigation or DMV has been restrained from transferring title by court order
Flag 13 - NSF check
DMV received a check for a transaction that was returned to ODOT Financial Services for insufficient funds.
Flag 15 - Totalled vehicle
Ownership document has NOT been surrendered. Examples: notice from an insurer that the vehicle is totalled; or notice from vehicle owner the vehicle is totalled due to damage
Flag 16 - Surrendered plates/stickers
Indicates when plates have been surrendered.
Flag 17 - Earned fee
DMV had documents that were not processed for lack of proper information. The unprocessed documents may have a bearing on any new transactions. The documents are microfilmed. Look-up must be done.
Flag 18 - Vehicle wrecked
Ownership document has been surrendered to DMV with a notice from an insurer, owner, or other person that the vehicle was wrecked, destroyed, disassembled or substantially altered or destroyed or totaled per ORS 819; or Notice of Vehicle to be Dismantled/Proof of Compliance, Form 6017.
Flag 19 - Vehicle wrecked or abandoned
Ownership document has not been received. Vehicle must be retitled as an assembled, reconstructed or replica vehicle. Example of documents received: any statement such as a copy of the title or insurance bill of sale that indicates the vehicle was wrecked, dismantled, or substantially altered, destroyed or totaled per ORS 819; or an indication the vehicle was sold under ORS 819.
Flag 20 - Title canceled by another state
The Oregon title has been cancelled because it was surrendered to another state and returned to DMV headquarters. The name of the issuing state is displayed in the flag message field.
Flag 21 - Registered/Titled in another state
Notification has been received from another state that the vehicle has either been registered or titled in that state and the Oregon title has not been returned for cancellation; however, the information received is not clear which.
Flag 22 - Issued in error
The current title was processed but not mailed due to incomplete information. The information displayed may not be accurate and usually a pending case has been set up in DMV headquarters.
Flag 23 - Suspended vehicle registration
Indicates that the vehicle registration is suspended due to court action. This flag does not affect the status of the driver.
Flag 24 - Possible incorrect VIN or other vehicle discrepancy
There may be an error in the VIN, make, and year or body style for the vehicle. DMV may also have received a teletype or other indication from law enforcement of an error in the VIN, or DMV received a call from an owner that there may be an error. The flag serves as an indicator that DMV may have new information. Call (503) 945-5000 for additional information.
Flag 25 - Title returned
TheOregon title has been returned to DMV for unknown reasons. Look-up must be done.
Flag 27 - Registration canceled
Microfilm look-up is necessary to determine the reason why the registration was canceled and the requirements that must be met before issuing new registration.
Flag 28 - Elected official
Record indicates elected official plate issued to elected official. Elected officials may have elected official plates assigned to their vehicle in addition to regular series plates. They may display either set of plates. The elected official plate record is a dummy record that references the regular plate record of the vehicle. The flag is used to assure no renewal reminder, etc., is produced.
Flag 29 - Totalled vehicle
Primary ownership document has been surrendered to DMV. Examples: notice from an insurer that the vehicle is totaled, or notice from the owner that the vehicle is totalled due to damage.
Flag 30 - TOD
DMV has a transitional ownership document on file for the vehicle.
Flag 31 - Vehicle not compliant with LEV requirement
The vehicle did not prove compliance with the low emission vehicle requirement. Title only was issued. DMV may not issue registration unless the vehicle proves compliance, or is now not subject to the LEV requirement, or an exemption is certified on a Declaration of Exemption from the Oregon Low Emission Vehicle Requirement (LEV),
Flag 35 - Vehicle in a dismantler’s stock
Indicates a dismantler has sold the vehicle to another dismantler. Flag is added when a copy of the Dismantler’s Vehicle Notice to Driver and Motor Vehicle Services, Form 270, is received and a Flag 38 is already on the vehicle record. The vehicle cannot be titled or registered again. DMV cannot accept a title or registration application.
Flag 37 - Names may not match on title
The record has been corrected to show true name therefore, the name(s) on the record and the name(s) on the title may vary slightly.
Flag 38 - Vehicle in a dismantler’s stock
Flag is added when a Dismantler’s Vehicle Notice to Driver and Motor Vehicle Services, Form 270, is received along with the ownership document. The dismantler’s identification number is in the message field. The vehicle cannot be titled or registered again. DMV cannot accept a title or registration application.
Flag 40 - Litigation hold flag
Added to a record when DMV is legally restricted from purging or destroying any data associated with this record.
Flag 41 - Farm plates/registration cancelled
Farm plates for the vehicle or the farm registration itself has been cancelled.
Flag 42 - Farm Certification Application required
The owner needs to complete a Farm Certification Application, Form 9670.
Flag 44 - Incomplete farm certification
Incomplete farm certification received by DMV.
Flag 46 - Registration canceled
Registration canceled due to DMV being notified by someone that their address is being used without their permission by another person.
Flag 48 - Vehicle unfit for use
Law enforcement has determined that the vehicle is unfit for use. The vehicle was used in illegal drug manufacturing and/or as a storage site. These vehicles are declared unfit until a Certificate of Fitness has been issued by the Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division.
Flag 49 - Vehicle sold, buyers name on file
DMV has received at least the buyer name (either the first and last name, or a partial name along with additional information such as an address or telephone number). This flag does not constitute a release or an assignment of interest. (See also Flag 11)
Flag 51 - Off-road use only
Vehicle was manufactured for off-road use only and is not eligible for registration through DMV.
Flag 52 - Fuels tax lien
Fuels tax is owed to ODOT Fuels Tax Group. MCTD Fuels Tax Group has placed a lien on the vehicle for unpaid fuels taxes. This lien takes precedence over all other liens and encumbrances. No title transfers may take place until the Fuels Tax Group notifies DMV that the lien has been satisfied.
Flag 53 - Non-conforming VIN has been verified
Placed on record when the verified VIN does not conform to the 17-digit rule. Used only for passenger, motorcycle, truck, bus, and motor home vehicles with a year model 1981 or newer.
Flag 55 - Exported Vehicle Flag
DMV has confirmed that fraud has occurred and the vehicle was exported out of the country.
Source document at www.oregon.gov
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